King's Business - 1919-09


THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S REVIEW LESSON SEPTEMBER 28 Review: Jesus our Saviour and King. -Matt. 21:1-9, 15, 16. Memory. Verse: “Suffer little children to come unto me.” Mark 10:14. You will note this title is similar to lesson for Sept. 7th. Would suggest making the review lesson a combination of the September lessons which fit to­ gether beautifully. BEGINNERS Jesus our Saviour AND PRIMARY and King preparing Mabel L. Merrill a home for all who love and obey Him, and to obey means to do what He has told us to do in the best book in the world, making all center around the memory verse as given above. A LOVELESS TRIBE The Sunday School Times says: Christian Science would rob us of love. It is a startling fact that not a dollar is given by Scientists to preach the Gospel among those who have never heard the name of Jesus. They have no foreign missionary societies. A Chris­ tian who had spent fifteen years id work among the poor and degraded classes in New York City was rebuked by a Christian Scientist for suggesting that her faith was noit the faith of the Bible; he asked her why it was that in his fifteen years’ experience, touching all phases of work for the. relief of the destitute in body and spirit in New York, he had never come across a single Christian Scientist helping in the work. She had no answer. It is a religion without compassion. as as If you find more pleasure in reading the Sunday newspaper than in the Bible, there is something wrong with your heart.

LOGIC AND THE BIBLE John Wesley gave a short argument for the inspiration of the Scriptures that is well worth remembering. “The Bible must be the invention either of good men or angels, bad men or devils, or of God. “1. It could not be the invention of good men or angels, for they neither would nor could make a book and tell lies all the time they were writing it, saying, ‘Thus saith the Lord,’ when it was their own invention. “2. It could not be the invention of bad men or devils, for they could not make a book which commands all duty, forbids all sins, and condemns their own souls to hell for all eternity. “3. Therefore, draw the conclusion that the Bible must be given by divine inspiration.” ate afc? IT DIDN’T MATTER The ministry must be affected by tl>e war with a new vitality, or it will not have any effect upon the community after the war. Mrs. McDowell went one day in an eastern city to hear,,a well-known minister preach. Her hus­ band was preaching somewhere else, and could not go with her. They met at home at dinner, and he said to her, “Tell me about the sermon.” “Oh/’ she said, “it was well enough.’’ “Well, was it an eloquent sermon?” “Qh, eloquent enough, compared with those I have heard.” “Well, was it able?” “Oh, able enough.” And then her hus­ band looked at her with proper sever­ ity and said, “Now, speak what is in your mind,” and she said this extra­ ordinary thing, “It didn’t matter.” ; Oh, ministers of Jesus Christ, men of God, standing for a half hour ibe­ tween God and other men, that any man should stand and talk for à half hour in such fashion that a godly, rev­ erent, thoughtful woman would say it didn’t matter!—Bishop William F. Mc­ Dowell.

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