2023 Master Plan

Appendix F

2022 Community Interest and Opinion Survey

Sample Demographics

Methods: Sample Demographics

Length of Residence in Area Less than 5 years 15% 5-9 years 18%


Male 48% Female 50%

10-19 years 17% 20-29 years 27% 30+ years 23% Mean (years) 19

Prefer to self-describe



24-34 14% 35-44 20% 45-54 21% 55-64 20% 65+ 19% Refused 6% Mean (years) 52 years


White 70% Asian 21% Black/African American 4% Two or more races 4% Other 1% Ethnicity* Hispanic/Latino 7% Not Hispanic/Latino 93%

Children in Household* Yes

37% No 63%


*Weighted to 2019 Census data.

114 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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