Appendix F
2022 Community Interest and Opinion Survey
Executive Summary
Overall Opinions of NPD: Esteem, Strengths, Weaknesses, Value
The District’s average esteem rating (measuring overall opinion on a 0-10 scale) is 8.4, up a half a point from a 7.9 average in 2017. In fact, the current rating is the highest since first measured in 2009. Just over half (52%) now hold the District in highest regard (scores of 9 and 10), and another 43% give somewhat or very positive ratings. Of the few remaining respondents, only 1% have a negative opinion of the District, and 4% are neutral (neither favorable nor unfavorable). The strong ratings are consistent across all regions and subgroups, with non- NPD users giving the lowest scores (7.1 average; still somewhat positive). The NPD ratings remain significantly higher than the 2013 statewide benchmark (7.2 average), and somewhat higher than suburban agencies of similar size (7.8)*. When asked what they like most about the District and what represents its strengths (open-ended question), residents most often cite its programs and events (45%, especially the number and variety, youth programs specifically, and offering something for all ages). Two in five (41%) most appreciate the parks and trails (well-kept, good in general, number and variety of parks, good walking/biking trails). One in six (16%) cite its facilities as strengths (well-maintained, Fort Hill), and 11% recognize the staff (knowledgeable, helpful).
<pg. 19>
The NPD Continues to Build on Higher Esteem Ratings, With Residents Most Appreciating the Programs/Events followed by Parks/Trails
<pg. 20>
<pp. 21- 24>
* 2013 benchmark comparisons with communities similar to Naperville in terms of population size and demographics: Fox Valley Park District (Aurora), Evanston, Arlington Heights, Schaumburg, Bolingbrook, Palatine, Skokie, and Des Plaines.
Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN
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