Appendix F
2022 Community Interest and Opinion Survey
Executive Summary
NPD Park and Facility Usage: Self-Reported Impact of COVID
Over the past two years, COVID certainly impacted usage of NPD indoor facilities. Just overall half (52%) say that they used these facilities less often in the past two years compared to before 2020/pre-COVID. Usage of the parks and outdoor facilities was less impacted, with about half (45%) reporting no change of late compared to pre-2020 usage, and the rest divided evenly between reporting less vs. more usage in the past two years during COVID. Looking ahead, virtually all residents expect that their usage of NPD park and outdoor facilities over the next two years will stay the same (44%) or increase (53%) compared to the previous two years. Almost equal proportions expect the same for NPD indoor facilities, with 52% expecting the same level of usage and 35% expecting to increased their usage in the next two years. Those most likely to report decreased usage of outdoor and/or indoor locations, both recently and in the next two years, tend to be both the youngest (24-34) and oldest (age 65+) residents. Among the relatively few non-users of NPD parks or facilities in the past two years, COVID concerns ranked second among barriers to usage (43% of 36 cases) after not having any children in the household (59% -- indicating that non-users still see NPD as mostly relevant to families/younger children).
<pp. 41- 44>
Residents Report High Usage of NPD Parks (especially) and Facilities Over The Prior 2 Years (since COVID began in early 2020)
<pg. 39>
120 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN
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