2023 Master Plan

Appendix F

2022 Community Interest and Opinion Survey

Executive Summary

NPD Programs/Events: Participation, Satisfaction and Priorities

 Overall, 30% report someone in their household participating in a District program or event in the past two years, most often:  Athletic programs (73% of participants, not citing any age group but often reporting soccer, golf, dance, basketball programs)  Youth athletics specifically (21%, usually soccer, softball, football)  Community events (19%, e.g., concerts in parks, holiday events, etc.)  On average, satisfaction with NPD programs and events averages an 8.0 on a 0-10 scale, considered “very satisfied” overall. This is statistically identical to the 8.1 average from 2017.  Nearly half (45%) are “completely satisfied” and another 43% at least “somewhat” satisfied (vs. only 2% who are dissatisfied overall). Among the few who are dissatisfied, most seek:  A specific type of program added or expanded (n=8 cases, scattered responses – yoga, cooking, exercise, art, etc.)  Or give a wide range of other issues (n=9 cases, likewise very scattered responses including cost, ADA accessibility, safety concerns, lack of instructors, etc.)  Residents express the most interest/demand for fitness and wellness programs (49%), followed by pool/aquatics programs (34%), adult programs for active residents ages 60+ (32%) and ages 18 to 59 (32%), and nature/ environmental education (32%).  Each of these represents an unmet need or opportunity, especially fitness/wellness and pool/aquatics programs (the top two priorities).

<pg. 63

Self-Reported Program/ Event Participation Was Low in Past 2 Years (mostly athletics focused), But Strong Satisfaction Continues

<pp. 64- 65>

<pp. 66- 71>



Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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