Master Plan Objectives The Master Plan is intended as a guide for the Naperville Park District to achieve strategic, controlled growth and development into the next decade. As with all plans, the Master Plan is a review and analysis of the current state of the District and should not become static. It should be reevaluated periodically in order to reflect the changes and growth the District inevitably experiences as the years progress. The Master Plan will result in goals and recommendations that were derived utilizing results from related plans and studies as well as input from various stakeholders via the Community Survey, the Board of Commissioners, and Naperville Park District staff. It should also reflect a consensus on how the Naperville Park District should move forward to accomplish these goals and recommendations. The specific goals of the Master Plan are to: • Provide a planning horizon of five to 10 years • Include goals that guide process, recommendations, and set priorities • Feature a review of Planning Areas and Districtwide needs • Offer a document which the Park District and City as well as other governmental agencies can utilize together in their planning and land use efforts Issues and Opportunities The following list of issues and opportunities was developed as a result of input obtained from various stakeholders, Community Interest and Opinion Surveys, the Board of Commissioners, and Naperville Park District staff. While the major issues affecting the plan are common among other Districts and typical of built communities, especially in this economic climate, the Park District has considerable opportunities to create initiatives that offset a wide array of issues. Issues Affecting the District • Continued need of indoor programmable space controlled by the District • A continued interest in indoor aquatics • Inflation affecting material costs, forcing adjustments to the budget and scheduling of capital projects
• The fourth largest community by population in Illinois, leading to varied needs and service expectations • Growing waitlists for key program areas following significant interest post-pandemic • Addressing staffing challenges affecting the District’s mission • Physical barriers and lack of connection among various parks, especially in terms of trails, throughout the District • A need to balance simultaneous and interrelated initiatives to address deficiencies in park maintenance, existing facilities, and available open space • An extremely large District that makes management and maintenance of parks challenging
• Lack of available open space and decreasing ability to acquire new land to meet shortages in Planning Areas, competition for park-appropriate land, and limited available funds for acquisition • Shifting demographics, particularly with an increasing aging population and increased ethnic populations, leading to diverse programming needs
Opportunities List • Skilled and committed staff who are passionate about parks and recreation and the advancement of the Naperville Park District • An involved Board that strives to improve the quality of life of the community and the Naperville Park District system • High interest and participation in parks and recreation programs among Naperville Park District residents • High average household income, a strong tax base, and a strong Naperville Park District financial position • Consolidation of all Naperville Park District park data into one electronic format/database for ease of use and integration into its GIS system enabling enhanced mapping and spatial modeling • Nationally-accredited Park District through the National Recreation and Parks Association’s (NRPA) Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) • A concerned public that places high value on its park system • An abundance of existing quality parks and popular programs
Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN
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