Appendix F
2022 Community Interest and Opinion Survey
Expected Post-COVID NPD Usage (Next 2 Years)
Again, younger and newer residents are most likely to expect increased usage of outdoor locations, along with Asian Americans and also SW residents.
Asian Americans also expect to see more usage of indoor NPD facilities over the next two years. Older and long-term residents tend to expect a drop in usage (along with nearly one in five of the youngest/newest residents, showing a clear division within this segment).
Significant Differences: EXPECTED Usage of NPD Outdoor Facilities* In Next 2 Years (Post-COVID)
Significant Differences: EXPECTED Usage of NPD Indoor Facilities** In Next 2 Years (Post-COVID)
Most Likely to Respond
Most Likely to Respond
Asian Americans (45%), African Americans (58% of n=5)
Ages 24-34 (75%), 35-44 (65%) SW region (67%) Asian Americans (75%) Lived in Naperville <5 yrs. (76%), 5-9 yrs. (65%) Ages 45-54 (56%), 55-64 (50%), 65+ (54%) Lived in Naperville 10-19 yrs. (51%), 30+ yrs. (54%) White residents (50%) SE region (51%)
More Often
- - -
More Often 53%
White residents (57%)
Ages 24-34 (19%), 65+ (15%) Lived in Naperville 5-9 yrs. (16%), 20+ yrs. (32%)
Less Often
- -
Less Often 3%
Ages 65+ (7%)
* e.g., parks, sports fields, trails, open space, any other outdoor facilities
** e.g., gymnasiums, fitness facilities, program space, nature center, any other indoor facilities
154 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN
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