2023 Master Plan

Appendix G

2023-2025 Strategic Plan

2023-2025 Strategic Plan Update — Summary Report

Figure 3. Strategic Planning Model*

State the Mission

Organize, Prioritize and Operationalize Goals

Goals Into Action Steps

Develop Strategies

Explore the Vision

Develop Goals

Develop Action Steps

Scan the Environment

Action Steps into Outcomes

Implement Action Steps

Stakeholder Input

External Factors

Monitor and Evaluate Outcomes

Data Collection

Model created by G. Kuhn

Model generally represents the steps the are taken for this type of initiative. *Model generally represents the steps that are taken for this type of initiative.

Lastly, it will be important to keep in mind that the thoughtful use of the Park District’s resources (including financial resources and professional staff time) is key to achieving good results. The District has a long-standing reputation for high standards in its services and facilities. High standards and strong expectations require staff, time, expertise and resources. In the end, thoughtful policies and quality implementation equate to tough choices in advancing priorities and allocating resources. In the Park District’s ever-changing operating environment, adapting to new interests, emerging demographics, community trends and technology advancements will be vital to success. The strategic plan is meant to serve as a road map for the Park District with the flexibility to adapt to those changes. Therefore, it is recommended that the Park District undertake a regular review (quarterly or semi-annually) of the strategic plan, its goals and implementation schedule to identify the need for updates. Keeping the plan in the forefront will help mark progress, make room for modifications, and ensure that the Park District consistently adapts to the changes in community needs and the environment it operates within. The Park District remains fortunate to have progressive leadership and a management team that keeps looking ahead and remains committed to strategic thinking and planning.

We wish you well with the ambitious years that lie ahead.

Greg Kuhn, Jim Norris, and Aaron Lewis, Project Coordinators and Session Facilitators

NIU Center for Governmental Studies



Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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