District Parks (DP) 2 Mile “Drive-to” Service Area; 40-200+ Acres
District Parks are the largest parks of the Park District’s Open Space system and intended to serve the entire community. Their area typically exceeds 40 acres, they are heavily programmed, and contain a variety of active and passive outdoor recreation amenities. Sports Complexes are a subcomponent to District Parks offering space for large user groups to participate in a range of sports. Similar to Community Parks, these facilities are “drive-to” parks as well and are developed with on-site parking and field lighting for nighttime programmed use. They are also easily accessible by multiple modes of transportation and located typically near major thoroughfares to avoid access through residential areas. There are 8 District Parks (6% of total parks) totaling 921.84 acres (37% of all acreage). Community Parks are larger than Neighborhood Parks and are intended to serve 20,000 people and meet the recreational needs of several neighborhoods. The Park District refers to Community Parks as “drive-to” parks, meaning the service area is within a two-mile driving range. Community Parks range in area from 15 to 40 acres, allowing for broader recreational opportunities. Community Parks include passive as well as active amenities and are often lighted for programmed sports. They are also easily accessible by multiple modes of transportation with on-site parking available. There are 10 Community Parks (7% of all parks) totaling 238.01 acres (10% of all acreage). Community Parks (CP) 2 Mile “Drive-to” Service Area; 15-40 Acres
34 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN
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