Appendix H
3-Year Financial Plan
Addendum B - 2024 Capital Overview
Park Name
CIP Group
Arbor Way
Playgrounds Playgrounds
Renovate playground Renovate playground Renovate parking lot Renovate 60' ballfield Renovate basketball court
187,465 187,465 40,171 53,561 66,952 40,171 53,561 368,235 937,326 66,952 133,904 187,465
Arrowhead Park Arrowhead Park Arrowhead Park Arrowhead Park Centennial Park
Sidewalks/Parking Lots Athletic Fields/Courts Athletic Fields/Courts Athletic Fields/Courts Athletic Fields/Courts Athletic Fields/Courts Athletic Fields/Courts
Renovate 60' ballfield, infield drainage improvements
Commissioners Park Commissioners Park Commissioners Park Country Lakes Park
Renovate 60' ballfield
Renovate synthetic turf field
New sports lighting, per original expansion plan Renovate ballfield, with dugout shade canopies
Other Amenities
DuPage River Sports Complex
Athletic Fields/Courts
Renovate fields #2 and #5
Fox Hill Greens
Renovate playground
Frontier Sports Complex Frontier Sports Complex
Other Amenities
Renovate deep well and pump system
Athletic Fields/Courts Athletic Fields/Courts Sidewalks/Parking Lots
Renovate fields #7 and #8 next to the Freshman Center, IPSD 204 cost share
80,342 53,561 26,781 66,952 80,342 187,465 100,000
High Meadow Kendall Park
Renovate 60' ballfield
New sidewalk to Washington St., with bike racks, possible CDBG grant
Knoch Knolls Park
Other Amenities
Remove bridge, new bridge installed by City 2011, seg. IV
Knoch Park
Athletic Fields/Courts
Renovate ballfield #8 and site furnishings
Oakridge Parkway
Renovate playground
Riverwalk Park Riverwalk Park
Renovate Administration Building, windows, framing, insulation (phase III)
Other Amenities
Renovate bike racks Renovate playground
Rose Hill Farms Park Spring-Field Park Spring-Field Park
Playgrounds Playgrounds
187,465 200,856 66,952 16,068 40,171 26,781 187,465 26,781
Renovate playground and backstop
Athletic Fields/Courts
Renovate basketball court
Veterans Park
Other Amenities
Landscaping, tree installation, part of City detention basin work, part of East Highlands road improvements
Winding Creek Park Winding Creek Park Winding Creek Park
Sidewalks/Parking Lots Athletic Fields/Courts
Renovate parking lot
Renovate multi-purpose field
Renovate playground
District Wide
Other Amenities
Topographic surveys for 2025 projects
Capital Project Total
256 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN
3-YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN 2022-2024 28
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