Appendix I
Non-Tax Revenue Plan
Fees & Charges Policy The Board Policy for Park District fees is as follows:
“ 5.3.4 Fees - The Naperville Park District recognizes the need and desirability to establish program, service, and facility fees that are reasonable, but not prohibitive, in order to provide a variety of recreational opportunities to meet the leisure needs of the community and the surrounding area. In most cases Naperville Park District residents will pay a lower than or equal to fee than nonresidents. Each program season Naperville Park District residents will have the ability to register for programs, services, and facilities before nonresidents for a specified period of time.” The Naperville Park District established a “Fees & Charges Policy Manual” to establish direction for the development of charges for services. (Please see Appendix B) As outlined within the manual, District staff will determine and monitor program and service fees on a program by program basis, for both resident and nonresident participants based upon the market feasibility, program costs, and demographic variables, with fee revisions based upon comparable seasonal data and program development. Gift Acceptance Policy The Naperville Park District welcomes and encourages support from the private sector to supplement revenue from taxes and user fees in order to assist the District in its mission. Donations will be accepted from individuals, organizations, foundations, governmental agencies, and corporations in accordance with the District’s Gift Acceptance Policy (Please see Appendix C). The guidelines included within the policy are for accepting and recognizing donations, in order to ensure the integrity and appropriateness of donations as related to the mission and priorities of the Naperville Park District. Although the Park District is grateful for every offer of support, the Park District must reserve the right to decline any gift that is not beneficial to its mission and priorities or creates or has the potential to create a conflict for the District. Land Dedication Ordinance The District operates under a Land Dedication Ordinance through the City of Naperville. Under the ordinance, developers can offer “cash-in-lieu” of the dedication of parkland. “As a condition of approval of a final plat of subdivision, or of a final plat of a planned unit development, each subdivider or developer will be required to dedicate land for park and recreational purposes and land for school sites, to serve the immediate and future needs of the residents of the development, or cash contribution in lieu of actual land dedication, or a combination of both, based on the recommendation of the public body which will be the recipient of the contribution.” (Note: see below the summary pertaining to Cash-In-Lieu and Appendix D for a copy of the Land Dedication Ordinance.) Sponsorships and Grants Policy The District works to foster mutually beneficial sponsor relationships designed to increase revenue and resources in exchange for advertising and marketing opportunities. Additionally, the District pursues grants as a non-tax revenue resource. Appendix E of this plan includes a copy of the District’s Sponsorships and Grants Policy.
4 Naperville Park District Non-Tax Revenue Plan Adopted: 4-12-12, Last Revised 9-12-2019
262 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN
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