2023 Master Plan

Appendix I

Non-Tax Revenue Plan

$210,769.84 in 2018. The primary goal of the sponsorship role is to evaluate and maintain an up-to- date sponsorship inventory, including identifying new opportunities, engaging new sponsors and renewing existing partnerships. Sponsorships Objectives • The District seeks to continue to grow sponsorship and advertising dollars and participation each year while forming strategic, complementary partnerships with area businesses and organizations. • Not unlike the District’s overall goal of enhancing its local outreach, the sponsorships and events manager is visible in the community by regularly attending Chamber of Commerce events and other community functions to make meaningful connections and grow relationships that can benefit the District.











2019 Budget

Donations Summary The Naperville Park District has not actively sought large donations from individuals, however, it has benefitted from donations from other community organizations, local governments, the Naperville Parks Foundation and the community. Most individual donations are under $1,000 in value or are in the form of in-kind donations. In 2015 the District received $65,000 from the Naperville Noon Lions and Century Walk Corporation for Knoch Knolls Nature Center. Donations Objectives • Continue to promote the opportunities for memorial donations, including Remembrance Trees, benches, and picnic tables. • As upcoming capital budgets are approved, continue to inform athletic organizations and other community groups about specific and timely opportunities to enhance park facilities, such as athletic fields, by means of donations. • Encourage residents to consider donations to the Park District in their Estate Planning. • Coordinate donation efforts with the Naperville Parks Foundation. Continue to identify opportunities for the Foundation to assist with District needs and/or projects.

14 Naperville Park District Non-Tax Revenue Plan Adopted: 4-12-12, Last Revised 9-12-2019

272 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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