2023 Master Plan

Appendix I

Non-Tax Revenue Plan

Conclusions and Recommendations

1. Optimize Alternative Revenue Capabilities of Facilities Consistent with prior Strategic Plan Initiatives, the District must continue to evaluate existing facilities for opportunities to increase revenue potential.

2. Develop plans and evaluate options to meet demands for programs and facility space

3. Develop Business Plans and Proformas for existing and proposed revenue facilities A component of the District’s evaluation of constructing new or renovating existing facilities should consist of an operational pro-forma to understand the projected revenues and expenses associated with major projects. The growth potential of increased “sales” plays an important role within the District’s business plans and pro-formas. 4. Research grant opportunities and submit applications for grants that support the District’s goals and objectives Park District staff continue to research possible grants that appear to align with planned capital improvement projects on an annual basis. In 2018, the District was awarded an OSLAD grant totaling $400,000 for the development of Wolf’s Crossing Community Park.

5. Review and update non-tax revenue policies

6. Monitor investments and make adjustments per the District’s Investment Policy The District must continue to invest funds in compliance with the “Investment Policy” and the State of Illinois Public Funds Investment Act. The District should continue to utilize money managers to effectively manage returns and risk. While investment income is an important alternative revenue source, the primary objectives are safety of principal, liquidity and lastly, yield. 7. Continue developing the Naperville Parks Foundation as a non-tax revenue resource The Foundation was organized for the purpose of improving the quality of life in the Naperville community by undertaking park and recreation projects that add to the park system. In 2015 the Naperville Parks Foundation made the decision to focus its efforts on raising funds for the District’s Fee Assistance Program. The District created the Fee Assistance Program several years ago to give residents experiencing financial hardship the opportunity to enjoy recreational programs and realize the benefits of physical activity and socialization opportunities that many people take for granted. 8. Continue to grow the District’s sponsorship plan to highlight new inventory and increase the value of sponsorship and advertising opportunities while expanding partnerships within the community 9. Expand the notoriety of the sponsorship program through community outreach, thereby generating interest in the business community and identifying potential sponsorship relationships

10. Appropriately recognize non-tax revenue partners

16 Naperville Park District Non-Tax Revenue Plan Adopted: 4-12-12, Last Revised 9-12-2019

274 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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