2023 Master Plan

Appendix J

Capital Projects Prioritization Policy

EXHIBIT A Capital Improvement Plan – Project Evaluation Worksheet

PROJECT NAME:____________________________________________________

The proposed CIP project falls within the following classification: (circle one)

(Extension of Existing Service) (Development of New Service) Score each project within the following categories, YES=1 and NO=0

CORE RECREATION VALUES (PER BOARD POLICY) (YES) / (NO) Will the project promote health and wellness? (YES) / (NO) Will the project promote environmental education, stewardship and sustainability? (YES) / (NO) Will the project promote community enrichment? (YES) / (NO) Will the project promote public safety? (YES) / (NO) Will the project promote accessibility? YES) / (NO) Will the project promote personal growth and enrichment? CATEGORYTOTAL: ________ STRATEGIC PLAN AND OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN (YES) / (NO) Is the project supported by the Strategic Plan? (YES) / (NO) Is the project identified in the Open Space and Recreation Master Plan? (YES) / (NO) Is the project identified as serving a planning area deficiency? (YES) / (NO) Did the project receive a priority ranking in the most recent community survey? (YES) / (NO) Does the project have potential to support core program offerings for multiple cohorts? (YES) / (NO) Does the project have potential to support lifetime recreational opportunities? Capital Projects Prioritization Policy

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Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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