2023 Master Plan

Appendix J

Capital Projects Prioritization Policy

(YES) / (NO) Will the project maximize the Park District’s service level by providing a new program or facility? CATEGORYTOTAL: ________ FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY & SUSTAINABILITY (YES) / (NO) Is the project eligible for outside funding based on the project scope? (Outside funding includes all sources except the general fund. Examples include but are not limited to: grants, donations, government/developer contributions.) (YES) / (NO) Does the project support recreation programs with potential to produce net revenue, taking into account where programs are in their lifecycle? (YES) / (NO) Is there a cost savings associated with the project as a result of coordinating it with other projects? (YES) / (NO) Is this a project that should be rolled into another, larger project for economies of scale/efficiency? (YES) / (NO) Will the project reduce operations/maintenance costs? CATEGORYTOTAL: ________

TOTAL SCORE: _____________

Capital Projects Prioritization Policy

Page 6

320 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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