Planning Area 3 Area 3 is located in north-central Naperville, west of the DuPage River. The boundaries of Area 3 consist of Route 59 to the west, the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway line to the north, Washington Street to the east, and 75th Street to the south. Area 3 is 7.07 square miles. 2020 Census Population (Estimated): 22,748 Existing Open Space: 356.81 Acres
Area 3 contains the heart of Downtown Naperville, the Central Business District in the northeast corner. The northwestern corner of this area consists of a large industrial district with a large commercial corridor aligning Route 59 to the west. Edward Hospital and several municipal facilities are located in this area. This remaining portion of this area is largely residential in nature, mostly single family with some multi-family housing.
50 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN
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