2023 Master Plan

Appendix L

Maintenance Level Guidelines

 Fertilization at the rate of 1 pound of N/1000 square feet, per application. Aeration will be performed in coordination with the fertilization.  Over-seeding at ½ the establishment rate in early spring or fall.  During league play the following will also be charged: 1. Facility elements such as fencing, spectator seating, player benches, etc. will be inspected during field preparation and maintained. 2. All fields will be litter-picked daily or as needed. 3. Filling and grading of holes on the mound, home plate, and skinned areas will be done daily. 4. All other efforts and materials needed to keep fields safe and functional that are created by program and league use will also be the responsibility of that program and league. 5. Post season maintenance and repairs created by usage will also be program or league responsibility. 17.5 Athletic Facilities / Sports Complex: Specifications A. Turf: 1. Mow playing turf twice per week during league play at a height of 2 ½”. Mow turf at least once per week during non-league play. 2. Mow athletic field alleyways and grounds at least once per week at a height of 2 ½”. 3. Core aerate athletic turf areas 2 times per year (spring and fall). Aeri-vate heavily used areas at least monthly from May thru September 4. Fertilize athletic fields a minimum of 3 times per year, 4 on irrigated fields, with a rate 1.0 pound of nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. Test soil annually and determine the proper ratio of fertilizer needed. 5. Overseed athletic fields in spring and fall. Use seeding rate of 2-3 pounds of athletic turf mix per 1000 sq. ft. in a single pass. In thin or declining areas (goal mouths, between the hash marks between the 20 yd. line markers) seed in a crisscross pattern at a total rate of 4 – 6 pounds per 1000 sq. ft. 6. Apply l pre-emerge herbicide application in the spring as necessary for control of annual grassy weeds. Pre-emergence cannot be used on fields scheduled for a spring seeding. Apply 1 post-emerge application. In mid-spring or early fall as per manufacturer’s instruction. 7. Apply insecticide to athletic fields for the control or grubs or other damaging insects as needed on the fields. 8. Apply pelletized gypsum annually – determined by soil test. B. Skinned Infield: 1. Skinned infields will be constructed using a sand/clay mixture (25% / 75%) to form a solid uniform surface for each sport to be played on. 2. Use amendments on infield soil and surface such as Turface or Diamond Dry. 3. Grade infields to allow for proper drainage. 4. Water, drag, line and take out skinned infields for games during league play. 5. Rake, level, fill holes and pack pitcher mounds and home plate for games during league play. 6. Remove rocks, dirt clods and debris from the play area. 7. Inspect bases, home plate, and pitching rubbers daily for damage and wear. Replace damaged bases as needed.



Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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