2023 Master Plan

Appendix L

Maintenance Level Guidelines

22.1 Inspections Inspections will be performed annually on both paved and unpaved parking lots. The inspection will cover surface condition, signage and wheel stops 22.2 Seal coating and Striping Seal coating and striping will be performed every 3-5 years with two coats being applied to heavily traveled sections of the lot. 22.3 Grading Unpaved surfaces will be graded and additional CA-6 stone added as needed to remove ruts, low areas and pot holes. This task will be performed in spring and summer at a minimum. 22.4 Signage All regulatory signs will be checked and replaced if missing or faded. Handicap accessible signage will consist of a universal logo in the center of each sign and reserved parking being noted with the approp riate fine stated. Bottom of the sign must be 4’ to 7’ above the pavement surface. Van accessible signs – same as above except that the words “Van Accessible” shall be printed below the logo. 22.5 Wheel stops All wheel stops are inspected for deterioration and cracking and replaced as needed. Anchoring rods are visually checked that they are no less than flush with the top of the wheel stop. Any rod

above the wheel stop is tapped back into place. 22.6 Permeable Pavers/Concrete Maintenance Maintenance Level Guidelines Immediate Maintenance: Parks  Remove miscellaneous debris

 Remove landscape debris such as grass clippings from mowing, pruning and mulching plant beds  Remove weeds  Clean muddy tire tracks  Avoid stockpiling of materials such as topsoil and mulch Monthly/Seasonally Maintenance: Parks  Observe any collection areas of debris, dirt, topsoil, mulch, etc. after season events such as snowfall, rain storms, leaf litter, etc.  Investigate if clogging is occurring. Immediately restore infiltration  Break up any crust covering the joint aggregate material  Refill joint material once, between three and six months after initial installation Yearly/Long-term Maintenance: Trades/Contractor  Sweep entire permeable paving surface with appropriate preventative sweeping devices



Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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