2023 Master Plan

Appendix L

Maintenance Level Guidelines

NATURAL AREA ESTABLISHMENT AND MANAGEMENT If you are dealing directly with a contractor there is a separate plan for them. Please use the appropriate one. PART 1 - PLANTING A. Optimum Seeding time: October 1 to March 15, seeding can be done outside of that window; establishment may take longer due to heat/cold and lack of rainfall. B. Seedbed Preparation: Existing vegetative growth should be removed or killed with herbicides. Surface till the seedbed to a depth of 2 to 4 inches. If the ground is wet, delay tilling until the soil dries enough to break apart when tilled. Lightly compact the tilled soil with a roller. Till can usually be omitted if drilling the seeds. C. Sowing the Seed: Sow seed by hand or with a broadcaster and press with a roller. Do not cover seed with more than ¼” of soil, depths vary by plant so bury accordingly. Plant a cover crop of seed oats at 32 pounds per acre and annual rye at 10 pounds per acre with the seed. More success can be achieved if you can use a driller. If the area is on erosion-prone soils a layer of crimped straw is recommended. JFNew D. Establishment: 1. Newly seeded natural areas should receive 1” of water for the first 6-8 weeks, from either rainfall or watering. 2. Do not pull weeds or otherwise disturb seeds during germination. Desirable plants may be uprooted with the weeds. Year 1. Keep the area mowed to 6”, most native plants don’t grow higher than 6” the first year but the weeds will. This is very important to long term health as many weeds can be knocked out at the start of the planting. Don’t allow the weeds to reach 12” this amount of mowed material can smother the seedlings. Year 2. In midspring mow the area down to the ground and rake if possible. Burning is not recommended as it may damage the new seedlings. Mowing will allow sunlight to reach the ground can germinate the remaining dormant prairie seeds. If weeds are still a problem mow again the late spring or early summer to a height of 1’, this should help to eradicate weeds such as Queen Anne’s Lace but cutting it before it goes to seed. This will also go a long ways towards eradicating any Sweet Clover. Year 3. Begin Prescribed Burns. Burning shall be conducted annually after the second full growing season for a period of three consecutive years. Thereafter, prescribed burning will be


456 Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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