2023 Master Plan

Appendix L

Maintenance Level Guidelines

Lower Shoreline zone- Shallow water around perimeter of pond to depths of 6 inches

Sweet Flag ( Acorus calamus ) Mature Height: 2-6 ft

-Prefers 6 inches of water

Common Water Plantain (Alisma subcordatum )

-Used in upper and lower shoreline zones

Mature Height: 4 in-3ft

-Prefers 0-6 inches of water

Field Nut Sedge ( Cyperus esculentus )

-Tolerates seasonal or occasional flooding up to one foot -Used in upper and lower shoreline zones where water levels fluctuate

Mature Height 1-2ft

Blue Flag Iris ( Iris virginica )

-Will not tolerate constant flood of more than

Mature Height: 2ft

6-8 inches

Common Rush ( Juncus effuses )

-Prefers moist soil up to a few inches of standing water -Can tolerate droughts in summer

Mature Height: 2ft

Hard-stem Bulrush ( Scripus acutus )

-Prefers saturated soils up to water levels of 3ft -Resists wave action and water level changes -Prefers water at depths of 12-20 inches -Excellent for lower shoreline stabilization

Mature Height: 3-9ft

Soft-stem Bulrush ( Scripus tabernaemontani )

Mature Height: 3-9ft

Chairmakers Rush ( Scripus americanus )

-Prefers saturated soils to water depths of 16in

Mature Height: 4ft

-tolerates seasonal floods

Torreys Rush ( Juncus torreyi )

-Moist to saturated soil, up to 2 inches

Mature Height: 3ft

Prairie Cordgrass ( Spartina pectinata )

-Prefers saturated soils up to 3 inches of water -Used in Upper and lower shoreline zones *Competes with Reed Canary Grass (a plus) -Tolerates standing water up to 8 inches -Used in upper and lower shoreline zones -A good pioneer species

Mature Height: 6ft

Blue Vervain ( Verbena hastate )

Mature Height: 5Ft



Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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