2023 Master Plan

Appendix L

Maintenance Level Guidelines

Upper Shoreline- Waters’s edge to soil that is not wet most of the year (cont.)

Awl-fruited Sedge ( Carex stipata )

-Prefers moist soil up to flooding to a depth of 6

Mature Height: up to 3ft

inches -Slow rate of spread by rhizomes

Fox Sedge ( Carex vulpinoidea )

-Prefers water depth of 6 inches or less, tolerates shade -Used in upper and lower shoreline zones

Mature Height: 1-3ft

Blunt Spike Rush ( Eleocharis obtuse )

- Needs saturated soil

Mature Height: 1-1.5ft

-Tolerates flooding to a depth of 6 in.

Spotted Joe Pye Weed ( Eupatorium maculatum )

-Prefers moist soil

Mature Height: 4ft

- Tolerates flooding up to 6 in. early in the season

Common Boneset ( Eupatorium perfoliatum )

-Prefers moist soil. Tolerates flooding up to 6 inches -Fibrous root system binds soil and resists erosion - Provides good ground cover

Mature Height: 2-3ft

Fowl Manna Grass ( Glyceria striata )

-Prefers moist to saturated areas

Mature Height: 1-4ft

-Good pioneer species in upper shoreline zones

Common Sneeze Weed ( Helenium autumnale )

-Prefers moist to saturated soil. Tolerates brief, shallow flooding -Fibrous root system can help stabilize upper shoreline

Mature Height: 3-5ft

Wild Bergamot ( Monarda fistulosa )

-Mesic soil. Minimal flooding tolerance

Mature Height: 2ft

Black-Eyed Susan ( Rudbeckia hirta )

-Mesic to wet, limited flood tolerance -Extensive fibrous root system stabilizes soil

Mature Height: 1-2ft

Spiderwort ( Tradescantia ohiensis )

-Tolerance of early seasonal flooding for short

Mature Height: 1-2ft

durations -Drought tolerant

Prairie Cordgrass ( Spartina pectinata )

-Prefers wet to saturated soil up to 3 inches of flooding -Used in upper shoreline zones and lower

Mature Height: 5-7ft


*Competes with Reed Canary Grass(a plus)

Blue Vervain ( Verbena hastate )

-Species tolerates moderate flooding of 0-8 inches -Used in upper shoreline zones and lower shorelines -A good pioneer species

Mature Height: 5ft



Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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