2023 Master Plan

Appendix L

Maintenance Level Guidelines

Upland Slope Buffers

Big Bluestem ( Andropogon gerardii )

-Prefers moist soil

Mature Height: 3-9ft

-Used to stabilize soil and slow surface runoff. -Also used for upland slope buffer stabilization

Smooth Blue Aster ( Aster laevis )

-Can tolerate wet-mesic conditions for short

Mature Height: 3-5ft

durations -Used to slow storm water runoff

New England Aster ( Aster novae-angliae )

-Prefers moist soil to wet-mesic conditions -Used in upper shoreline zones and for upland slope buffer stabilization *Can be aggressive and form monoculture

Mature Height: 1-4ft

Common Beggarsticks ( Bidens frondosa )

-Prefers moist soil

Mature Height: 8in-3ft

-Used in upper shoreline zones and upland slope buffers

Side-Oats Grama ( Bouteloua curtipendula )

-Mesic to dry

Mature Height: 1-3ft

-Dense root system works well on steep slopes to prevent erosion

Wild Bergamot ( Monarda fistulosa )

- Mesic soil. Minimal flooding tolerance

Mature Height: 3ft

Black-Eyed Susan ( Rudbeckia hirta )

-Mesic to wet, limited flood tolerance -Extensive fibrous root system stabilizes soil

Mature Height: 1-2ft

Spiderwort ( Tradescantia ohiensis )

-Tolerance of early seasonal flooding for short

Mature Height: 1-2ft

durations -Drought tolerant

Prairie Cordgrass ( Spartina pectinata )

-Prefers wet to saturated soil up to 3 inches of flooding -Used in upper shoreline zones and lower

Mature Height: 5-7ft


*Competes with Reed Canary Grass(a plus)

Common Iron Weed ( Vernonia fasciculate )

-Wet soil. Tolerates flooding of 2-3 inches in spring

Mature Height: 5ft

-Stabilizes upper shorelines

Purple Prairie Clover ( Petalostemum purpureum )

-Deep taproot with extensive vertical branching helps stabilize sandy soils and dry slopes -Species does not tolerate flooding

Mature Height: 1-3 ft



Naperville Park District | 2023 MASTER PLAN

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