First Choice PT: Living Life Without Back Pain

For some, back pain is a daily occurrence that dictates the way you live your life. Every movement, every motion is determined by the pain in your back. Standing, sitting, laying down, driving, walking or running — the pain persists.



“normal”? The unknown can be scary and unsettling; however, knowing that 8 out of 10 Americans will go through something similar provides one with a sense of security and a sense of relief. The very phrase “my back went out” or “I slipped a disc” leads to the mental interpretation that the spine is weak or unstable. In fact, the spine is extremely sturdy, stable and strong. Some of the world’s most durable structures have been designed with the spine in mind. Imagine the Roman Arches or the Flying Buttresses of Notre Dame Cathedral, both use the arch itself to create support and control pressure. The arches of your spine are designed to do the same, support and control the pressures throughout. The human spine is robust and designed to take a strong load. However, it is imperative to remember this does not mean that the spine is invincible! In the event of trauma, the knowledge that you will heal, you will recover, and you will once again be able to enjoy your favorite activities, is crucial. Our bodies are made to heal, and the Physical Therapists at First Choice Medical Group Physical Therapy are well-versed and eager to facilitate your spine’s healing process.

Dominick Paluso, PT, DPT The idea that a single movement, an activity, or moment, can lead to such excruciating pain that it could change our lives forever is a scary thought.

Everyone has heard someone say those dreaded words, that their “back went out,” they “slipped a disc,” or how a “family member has always had back pain.” Hearing these remarks may not typically be out of the normal, what should be out of the normal is having these thoughts in the first place! Research from Freburger et al (2009), cites that over 80% of Americans will experience an episode of acute low back pain. This begs the question, at what point is something considered

Living Life Without Back Pain How Physical Therapy Can Help Patient Success Spotlight INSIDE:






For some, back pain is a daily occurrence that dictates the way you live your life. Every movement, every motion is determined by the pain in your back. Standing, sitting, laying down, driving, walking or running — the pain persists. In ages past, back pain was difficult to treat. If you experienced back pain, whether as a result of a work injury, trip-and-fall accident, or even just as a result of aging, the answer was almost always the same: head home, take a long rest, and give your back time to heal. This isn’t the way that things go anymore, and for several reasons.To start, the world isn’t as forgiving. Heading home and taking a long rest until your back is healed may work for some, but not for most. With deadlines and carpools and work schedules to keep up with, there needs to be an alternate solution to dealing with back pain that doesn’t require you to completely remove yourself from your responsibilities. What’smore,recentresearch indicatesthatrestingmaynotactuallybethe ideal solution for long-term back care. Spending too much time on the couch or off your feet can cause the back muscles to weaken and can even weaken bone strength.Thiscould leadtomore long-term issueswithbackpain—notfewer. Exercise, in general, is shown to increase strength and flexibility, supporting healthy muscles and bones, and therefore supporting ideal back health. Physical Therapy for Back Pain While rest and relaxation can help you overcome the immediate pain of a back injury,andmayevenberecommendedbyyourphysicianintheearlydaysfollowing an injury, it isnota long-termsolution.Physicaltherapyoffersa long-termsolution to back pain by using targeted exercises that focus on the cause of the pain. Through a combination of strength and flexibility training that focuses on muscle development and joint movement, physical therapy can address the underlying cause of the pain and significantly improve your quality of life.

Understanding the Why and How Therearea lotofdifferentreasons thatbackpaincandevelop.Evenwhenyou breakdown injuries,whetherfromoveruseorathleticpursuits,therearedifferent problemsthatcandevelop.Sprainsandstrainsarecommon,butsoare issues with thevertebrae,bloodflow,andevenconcerns regarding thespinalnerves. Youmightbeamazedtodiscoverthedifferentfactorsthatcouldbe influencing your back health. Such as: • Yourpersonal levelofphysicalactivity, includinghowoftenyouexercise and the intensity of your typical workouts. • The typesofshoes thatyouwear, inaddition tohow frequentlyyouwalk in different types of shoes, particularly shoes that lack support or those with high heels. • Prolongedengagement insedentarybehavior, includingsittingatadesk for eight hours or more consecutive days of the week, or spending free time on the couch or otherwise relaxed. Aerobic activity and strength training exercises actually make it possible to reduce your risk of injury and to improve your ability to overcome back pain by strengthening the vertebrae and improving blood flow and nutrient disbursement throughout the back. When you are inactive, blood flow can actually become impeded, and this can have a negative effect on the overall health of your back and spine. This iswhysomany issuesregardingpain in thewrists,elbowsandshoulders typicallybecomechronic.Since it isdifficult toallow thesebodyparts time to properly rest, theycontinuebeingoverusedand thepaincanactuallyworsen.



Anyonewhohasstruggledwithbackpaincan tellyouplainandsimple: When your back is hurting, there is no way to pretend that it isn’t. Simply going from sedentary activity to being active and healthy isn’t an option — at least not so easily. It takes time and effort, and when back pain is obstructing you from getting started, it requires help. Physical therapy can help you overcome back pain by giving you the knowledge and support necessary to help your back feel better, giving you the option to get off the couch and push yourself to reach new goals. Working with a licensed and experienced physical therapist ensures that you do not take on too much too quickly, but instead are guided through the process of healing with gradual steps.

For more information about overcoming back pain, call 321-802-5814 to talk with your physical therapist today!


has developed proficiency with regards to Pain Science inthetreatmentofchronicpainpatients. Dr. Maldonado further serves our community andnationasaCaptain intheU.S.ArmyReserve, wherehe leadsReserveComponent troopsand manages military operations. Additionally, Dr. Maldonado enjoys perfecting his techniques withregardtoOlympicWeightLiftingandhelping othersdo thesame,especiallyourcommunity’s tacticalprofessionalsand looksforward toward extending this passion into the clinic.

elective coursework. During his tenure at UCF, Dr. Maldonado developed his proficiency in high-velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust mobilizations of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine to decrease pain and improve function for patients suffering from spinal injuries and low back pain. Dr. Maldonado underwent a rigorous clinical internship at the prestigious Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in the Washington D.C. area, historically known as “ThePresident’sHospital,”whereherehabilitated combat wounded service members in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. In addition to servingourtroopsatWalterReed,Dr.Maldonado had the honor of serving our retired veterans’ orthopedicandneurologicalrehabilitationneeds at theVieraVeteransAdministrationOutpatient Clinic.Throughbothexperiences,Dr.Maldonado

Juan Maldonado, PT, DPT, graduated with his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of Central Florida, where his academic curriculum was tailored towards orthopedics and manual therapy through


Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Balls


INGREDIENTS • 2 cups of old- fashioned rolled oats • ½ cup of ground flax seed • 1 tablespoon of black chia seeds • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon • ½ cup of raw honey • ½ cup of peanut butter • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract • 1 scoop vanilla whey

protein powder • ½ cup of dark chocolate chips

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist. 2. Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. 3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment. Call To Talk to Your Therapist Today 321-802-5814 Has Your Pain Come Back? DIRECTIONS Add rolled oats, ground flax seed, chia seeds, cinnamon, honey, peanut butter, vanilla extract, and vanilla protein powder to food processor. Pulse until ingredients are blended (about 7-9 times). Add mixture to a large bowl, add in chocolate chip. Stir to combine. Form energy bite mixture into 1” balls and place on parchment paper lined baking sheet. Cover and place in refrigerator for 2 hours. Serve!

“I can’t say enough about the exceptional care I received from First Choice PT before and after my knee surgery. I felt cared for, supported, challenged and celebrated with each milestone. Kelly, Courtney, Ted, Mark, Colin, Janet, Dominic, Christie, Georgiamae, you are all rock stars!!!” - Kara B.

RELIEVE BACK PAIN INMINUTES Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

TRUNK FLEXION & EXTENSION Start on hands and knees. Arch your back up to the ceiling as high as you comfortably can, and hold. Then, arch your back the opposite direction as low as you comfortably can, and hold. Repeat 6 times.

Helps Alleviate Back Pain


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