King's Business - 1939-08



SECURITY -fo o l YOU -

I n s p i r a

xAn Annuity Agreement of the American Bible Society helps you to estab­ lish a regular income, one of the surest ways to avoid the anxiety of old age. Regardless of business conditions, Annuity checks at regular agreed intervals have never failed. The planned security of an Annuity Agreement will bring you comfort and peace of mind as long as you live. You will be helping too, to bring hope and joy to thousands in far-away lands through the wonderful Bible ministry, which the American Bible /T . Society has car- UNTOLD ried on for over / / 7 one hundredand w' FOR HER* twenty years.

Moody Bible Institute Over 50 Years’ Experience in Christian Training • Founded over h alf a centu ry ago by the w orld-fam ous evan gelist, D. L. Moody. • N early 2,200 m issionaries already have gone from the In stitu te into the foreig n field. • More than 3,000 stud ents th is year in tra in in g for C h ristian service. • N early 13,000 conversions reported in one y ear as a resu lt of stu ­ dent m in istry in the Chicago area alone. • New 1 2 s t o r y A dm inistration B uild ing w ith modern classroom and lib rary facilities. Join These Happy Students in preparation for a life of effec­ tive Christian service. On the mis­ sion field, in the pulpit, in every day life, you’ll profit from the true inspiration of s t u d y at Moody Bible Institute. Interesting sub­ jects are taught by authorities in the field. The Institute’s contacts w i t h hundreds of churches and missions give you excellent op­ portunities for observation and ap­ plication of training. And in ad­ dition, Chicago’s many educational opportunities are w i t h i n easy reach of the campus, museums, libraries, exhibits. For a catalog giving a complete description of the Institute and its facilities address a card to Dept. KT-620.

“ The G reat W hite T h ron e”

Enduring... Secure financial freedom in your declining years, re­ duce taxes and avoid worry by means of an Income Gift 'Contract (Annuity) of THE S alvation A rmy Here is a safe, permanent investment backed by the enduring solidity a n d the vast resources of the Army and its 75 years of service. You will receive a high rate of interest depending on your age : $285.00 annually if you in v e s t $5,000 and your age is 65, $810.00 if 70 years, or $ 4 0 0 .0 0 if 80 years. Investments accepted in amounts of $100.00 and up. The Salvation Army Central Territory Headquarters Dept. KB-8, 719 N. State Street, Chicago, III.

Send for the book­ let “A Gift That Lives,*' and learn how an Annuity Agreement fulfils your generous de­ sire to promote this indispensableChris­ tian task.



Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB87 entitled “A Gift That Lives.”

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_ Denomination _

Address _

_ State --------------

City ____

Bilhorn Folding ORGANS World famous for more than 50 years. Sweet tone. Astonishing Volume; Durable; Inexpensive. Suitable f o r Missions, Camps, Schools, Homes, etc. Write for Folder.

BILHORN BROS. ORGAN CO. 1414 M cLean Ave., D ept. K , C h icago, 111.

This investment in God’s work will en­ dure and help bring in the Kingdom. The Salvation Army, Extension Dept.




C. Y. SCHAFFER, Director 111 W. Washington St., Dept. KB-8, Chicago Please" mail me without obligation invest­ ment particulars and testimonials regard­ ing Income Gift Contract (Annuity). Name ............,............................................. Address ..................................................... City ............................... State.................. Kindly give your Birth Date ..............

BE A N I l B l S i MAKE $25-$35 AWEEK You can learn practical nursing at home in spare time. Course endorsed by physi­ cians. Thousands of graduates. 40th jt. One graduate has charge of 10-bed hos­ pital. Another saved $400 while learn­

ing. Equipment included. Men and women 18 to 60. High School not required. Easy tuition payments. Write now. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF NURSING Dept. 528, i00 East Ohio Street, Chicago, III. Please send free booklet and 16 sample lesson pages.

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