King's Business - 1939-08

FIFTY CENTS AYEAR 2 5 Cents for Six Months

5 Cents a Copy

These fire the New Subscription Prices ioi "The King's Business" B e g in n in g August 1 ,1 9 3 9

Here Is Something New, Different, and Worth While! THE KING’S BUSINESS is the same as ever in size, in general content, and in the emphatic tone of its gospel message. The only appreciable change is to a less expensive type of paper. And this change enables us to use a far less extrava­ gant form of printing, and to give the magazine to the public at ONE-THIRD of the former sub­ scription price. The new price will enable the magazine to secure the widest possible distribution and, we believe, will meet the heartfelt demands of thou­

sands of our friends who love THE KING’S BUSINESS, first of all, FOR WHAT IT TEACHES. There are thousands of persons who want THE KING’S BUSINESS, who need its true-to-the-Bible and constructive message, but who write us that they simply cannot afford to pay for it if the yearly price is higher than 50 cents. It is for the sake of this VAST MULTITUDE of needy souls Unserved by other publishers, that THE KING’S BUSINESS has taken this method of getting the Word of God— for the glory of God—widely dis­ seminated. We know that our regular subscribers sympathize with this purpose.

No Essential Features Sacrificed As you wi|l note this month, none of our regular departments is being sac­ rificed in making this change. SUBJECT TO POPULAR DEMAND, the magazine will continue to print each of the de­ partments which have made it beloved by its many thousands of readers. The JUNIOR KINO’S BUSINESS, BIBLE INSTITUTE FAMILY CIRCLE, CHRISTIAN E N D E A V O R NOTES, D A I L Y DEVOTIONAL READINGS, and most important of all, the INTER­ NATIONAL LESSON COMMENTARY, will continue to be regular features of the magazine. The BEAUTIFUL ART COVERS, which have always distinguished the magazine, will attract readers to the new KING’S BUSINESS, as in the past. Special Club Prices, Will Be Discontinued , The annual subscription price of 50 cents quoted above is the ONE and

ONLY PRICE a c c e p t a b l e to THE KING’S BUSINESS (except BUNDLE RATES of 25 or more sent to one ad­ dress). There will be no special club or pro rata prices hereafter, as we believe that nearly all of those who avail them­ selves of this facility are doing it as God’s stewards and for thè good that the magazine will do, rather than for any profit in commissions that they might receive. The m o n t h l y $10.00 prize contest for letters accompanying two or more subscriptions, however, will continue. (See inside front cover of the July issue for contest rules.) Premiums to Club Organizers

SCRIPTIONS within 12 months from date, and a copy of STREAMS IN THE DESERT, by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, for a club of fifty subscriptions. Other premiums will be added from time to time. Sample Copies Sent Upon Request We wish to mail as many samples of the new magazine as possible to pastors, Sunday-school teachers, and church workers, and we request that you forward us lists of members in your home town churches whom you know' would be interested in this fundamental

However, as there is some real work Christian magazine. Sample copies will in acting as a club secretary, a list of be sent without obligation to those premiums will be given, and at the pres- w tnose ent time we will agree to send a READ- whose names you send in. Include pas- ERS* BIBLE (with concordance, maps, ^0^, board, Sunday-school super- and helps), or a cloth-bound WEBSTER intendent and teachers, officers and inICTWENTV members of ^ome and foreign mission in TWENTY-FIVE ANNUAL SUB- societies, with their home addresses*

The King's Business Will Pay You for Your Trouble Up-to-date lists of the entire membership of fundamental churches are greatly desired, and THE KING’S BUSINESS will pay in cash from ONE TO FIVE DOLLARS for such lists, if carefully prepared. To qualify for payment, lists must include ax least 100 names and recent addresses, with names of churches, name and address of pastor, and other facts which we will specify in our letter.

Write for our letter of instructions as to preparing your list, estimating the number of names that you can send, and be sure to include only one member in each family with accurate addresses and initials. Please state the name of the church whose list you can supply and the age of the list which you have.

This is an easy way to make money for your missionary society or church and at the same time to secure samples of a won­ derful magazine for your friends, free.

We ask your prayers for the success ol this earnest attempt to extend the ministrv of THE KING’S BUSINESS on the widest and most effective basis. 25 cents additional for postage for each foreign subscription (except to certain countries. See contents page ) THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 S. Hope Street $ 3 %$? losAngeles,Calif

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