King's Business - 1939-08

Jk YOURScAoolOw? Every Day of the Year, Two Sunday Schools Adopt This Lesson Series. Is Your School One o f These? If not, Begin this Fall. W HY have Two and a Half Million copies of the All

White Pipe-Tone Folding Organs In use all over the world for more than 35 years. Noted for durability, convenience, volume of tone and beautiful Pipe-Like Quality. Tropical­ ly treated. A. L. WHITE Mfg. Co. Dept. K, 215 Englewood Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. P a r i s h P a p e r s Your church, school or ladies’ society can make money with our parish paper plan. Stimulates all c h u r c h activities. P ills empty pews. Samples and particulars free. N ation al R elig io u s P re ss G rand R apids, M ich. THE CHILDREN! 14 Soul-winning Chalk talks....25c “Beautiful Hymns” for Jrs. ..~10c Folding Blackboard & Basel...^6.00 (3x4i ft. Carry Anywhere) h a v e been h ig h ly com m en d ed fo r C hristian w o rk ers. O rder fro m REV. FRANK A. MILLER, Supt. Children’s Evangelistic Union 125 S. Ave. 60, Los Angeles, Cal. P lea se m en tion K in g ’s B u sin ess

Bible Graded Series been sold? Why do schools using them re­ port growth in attendance and spiritual life? Because the All- Bible plan increases interest, in­ spires zeal and appliesGod’s way of winning souls. Investigate.

Of SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS Graded by departments—Beginners through Teacher Training FREE sample copies (previous quarters; specify depart­ ments) sent on request to Pastors, Superintendents and Teachers; also Compendium of 780 Lessons. Enclose 10c toward postage. For current manuals, regular prices apply: Teachers’ 25c, Pupils’ 10c. Write today. TH E S C R I P T U R E P R E S S Dept. E .B 8 0 0 North Ciark Street, Chicago, III.


, .

Choir r A U / l l C P u l p i t I p U W N 3 Fine materials beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DeMoulin Bros. 8C Co. 1126 S. 4th St.. Greenville, 111.

Communion Cups Send for Folder and SP E C IA L OFFER at low prices. Glasses $1.00 Dozen. Tray and 36 glasses $6.50 ujp. Beautiful CHROMIUM-PLATED. _______ Aluminum. Wood and Silver-plated Services. Collection& Bread Plates, Pastor’s Sick Outfits, etc. Thomas Communion Service. Box 1214 Lima. Ohio


Placefl anywhere. Daisy Fly witar attracts and kills flies. Guaranteedeffective.Neat*con­ venient—'Cannot mill— Will notsoilorinlureanything. Lasts all season. 20o at all dealers. Harold Somers, Inc., 160 Do Kalb Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y.

Dr. Frank H. Guernsey Optometrist 604 WEST SIXTH STREET, NEAR GRAND —NEW LOCATION—

VAndike 1928

Los Angeles

Gives Boys Sound Preparation

for College and University


To give boys sound preparation for college is one of the chief functions of Stony Brook School. Along with the training of Christian character and building rugged health, it is a vital part of the program.

MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE ANNUITY AGREEMENTS In 31 years more than 5,000 Moody Bible Institute Agreements have been written—every agreement safeguarded by the entire assets of the Institute, including a special annuity reserve. In­ stitute Annuity Agreements pay a regular dividend— 3H to 8M%— de­ pendent upon age. Payable at stated intervals. Dividends are payable to others, if desired. Secondary dividends come from the personal satisfaction of having one’s capital used by the Institute to prepare deserving young men and women for Christian service in all parts of the world.

The School is fully accredited for col­ lege entrance, both by the New York State Board of Regents and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Sec­ ondary Schools. Its certificate is ac­ cepted by any college or university admitting students by this method. During the seventeen years of Stony Brook’s existence, its graduates have entered more than sixty different colleges and universities. Many of them have completed their work with honors. Among the institutions at which Stony Brook boys graduated this year are: Bucknell Princeton Cornell Dartmouth Hamilton Hampden-Sydney Lafayette Iowa Bowdoin New York University Brown Washington and Jefferson St. Olaf’s Will your boy be ready for college on time? Will he be well prepared, spiritually as well as mentally and physically ? The next session of Stony Brook begins September 20. There is yet room for a few more boys. Catalogue on request. Address rjtom jßro okJchool Please mention King's Business Frank E. Gaebelein, Lift. D., Headmaster, Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y. Davidson Houghton Wheaton Pennsylvania Medical School Princeton Theological Seminary

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