King's Business - 1939-08

DR. BOB JONES Says: “No college can be Christian without being orthodox. But mere assent to an orthodox creed does not make a college Christian. An institution, even while preaching orthodoxy, may sur­ render to the subtle satanic philosophy of ‘Do as you please; live your own life.’ ” Bob Jones College stands without apology for the absolute authority of the Bible. But Bob Jones College believes that even orthodox, “born again” Christian young people need protection as well as direction in the tempestuous days of youth. Bob Jones College requires all of its stu­ dents, except those who live in their own homes, to live in dormitories so a constant check may be kept on the physical, mental, and spiritual condition of every student. * * * * Bob Jones College students are happy, normal young people who enjoy a clean, Christian social life under proper Christian chaperonage. These students have ample time for study and are in daily contact with a Christian faculty. A recent survey showed that every g r a d u a t e has a good position and is a leader in his chosen field or profession. The Bob Jones College system works. * * * * Bob Jones College is fully accredited as a four-year institution by the Department of Education of the State of Tennessee. Credits are accepted by leading universities and graduate schools in all sections of the country. * * * * A W ID E VAR IETY OF COURSES O F F ER ED INCLUDES FOUR -YEAR COLLEGE COURSE, FOUR -YEAR H IGH SCHOOL C O U R S E , FOUR -YEAR SECONDARY TEACHERS COURSE, TWO -YEAR E L EM EN TA R Y TEACHERS COURSE, ONE- Y EAR BUSINESS AND SECRETAR IAL COURSE. Four hundred thirty-two dollars and fifty cents ($432.50) pays for room, board, tuition, and fees for the nine months. Payments may be made by the month, if desired. Violin, voice, piano, speech, pipe organ—all taught by well-trained teachers—are offered without additional cost. The 1939-40 year begins September 6. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ATT END ING A COLLEGE W ITH H IGH EDUCAT IONAL STANDARDS, A N D A N IN ST ITU T IO N W H IC H S INCERELY ENDEAVORS TO PUT GOD FIRST, W R ITE FOR A CATALOGUE A N D FOR IN FO RM AT IO N IN DETA IL TO DR. BOB JONES, JR., A C T IN G PRESIDENT, BOB JONES COLLEGE, CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE. * * * *

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