King's Business - 1939-08

August, 1939

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Around the King's Table


A real Christian will never be anti- Semitic. The cross, if the Jew only realized ,it, is'- his greatest refuge. In it is reflected the righteousness and the great love of God for him and aH men. It is the,symbol of Christian love, and whenever the cross has its right and proper place in men’s hearts, it means love and not hate.—Roy L. Laurin. Action Without Unction Activity is not the chief virtue of Christian work, There is much activity which is abortive because it is not pro-, perly energized by the life principles of both the.truth and the Holy Spirit. We should have action, but also unc­ tion. It is unction which ene'rgizes and germinates action. There is no virtue in action for the sake of activity. It may be simply the treadmill of a pur­ poseless service. There is a real dif­ férence between church work and the work of the church. Church work is that kind of work which is action with­ out unction. It may be social service or social activities, but it does not fur­ ther, either in its purpose or its results, the work of the church. The work of the church is to be a voice for God in the world. When this service is at­ tempted by the ministers and teachers of our churches in the Spirit and ex­ perience of - Pentecost, the world will feel .its effect. The only time the word “unction” occurs in the entire Bible is 'in 1 John 2:20: “But ye have an unction from the Holy One.” The word here is “chris- ma” which means “to anoint,” The or­ iginal anointing goes back in its mean­ ing to the Old Testament practice of anointing the priests. Its New Testa­ ment application relates it to the anoint­ ing of the Holy Spirit. It is riot: only the original baptism into the body of Christ, but it is also to be a continual experience in the life of service. Apart from this anointing and unction, Chris­ tian service may constitute a volume of activity, but such activity as may be only the “wood, hay, stubble” of a mis­ placed life.—Roy L. Laurin. Mount Hermon Bible Conferences Located in the heart of California’s beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains, Mount Hermon is a conference center ¿where physical refreshing and spiritual invig- oration are combined. For the period [Continued on page 323}

tion with the Temple of Religion at the Golden Gate International Exposition, caused the removal of a wooden cross from a bulletin board placed in front of the Temple. At a recent convention of a large denomination, a noted Jewish rabbi took bold advantage of the occasion to sug­ gest to the ministers of this denomina­ tion that the historical record of , the crucifixion be changed to take the stigma that attaches to the Jew away from him. This was not only a bold re­ quest but one impossible to grant. You cannot change a fact by changing its record. If the modern Jew believes that his historical connection with the cruci­ fixion has anything to do with anti-, Semitism, let him be,assured that anti- Semitism never comes from Calvary. It comes from pseudo-Christians whp have churchianity but not Christianity. Ask­ ing for a change in the story of the crucifixion is a g r e a t e r affront to Christianity than a Jew can possibly imagine. Real Christians have genuine love for the Jew and concern for his problem. nourishes -the inner life 'of those who are seeking to win thè lost. It exists only to exalt Christ. In His name, and for His sake, it MUST perform that notable and far-reaching service which an increased circulation will provide. With this thought in mind, vte present it to you for your sympa­ thetic ai)d cooperative interest. V It is a further hope that this magazine’s news and announcements concerning the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will arouse and create a Widening interest in and support of this 1s t r a t e g i c institution: THE KING’S BUSINESS is a vital part of Biola, and we hope that through the medium of this -Christian magazine a life line of news and information may lead thousands to prayer and financial support for this training school for Christian leadership.

Still an Offense The cross is still an offense.

Paul wrote to the church at Corinth and declared: “We preach Christ cruci­ fied, unto the Jews a stumblingblock” (1 Cor. 1:23). To the Galatian church he said that the “offense of the cross” would cease unless his preaching upheld certain standards. The cross continues to be the scandal of the ages as far as the unregenerate mind and guilty conscience of man is concerned. It is an offense to his philoso­ phy, pride, and learning. He. does not like its humiliating ' requirements, its unqualified declaration that every man needs a Saviour from his sins. What is so to all men is particularly so to Israel. The cross is “unto the Jews' a stumblingblock.’' The cross con­ tinues to be a great concern for the Jew. The historical aspects of the cruci­ fixion are still before the Jew with an unforgettable remembrance. Word comes from San Francisco that a rabbi, associated with an interdenomi-. national religious committee in connec­

Not a New KING'S BUSINESS but THE KING'S BUSINESS in a New Dress C e r t a i n imperative necessities prompted this change.

First and foremost was the matter of economy. Only in its new form could the cost of the magazine be

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