This book is part of the art show “WOMEN IN THE ARTS 2022” to be exhibited at the Heights Art Studios and Gallery in Houston, Texas as from April 15, 2022. The Museum of the Americas, founded in 1991, initiated this traditional venue. Since then, it has been celebrating year after year, the International Women Month. In this instance, the show is being dedicated in memory of Mrs. MARGARET JEU co-owner of IMPULSE ART Gallery, Houston, who suddenly passed away last January at the early age of 59. Mrs. Jeu. together with her husband, Paul Boutté, have been coordinators and organizers of many of the Museum of the Americas presentations and assisted with the MuseumTravel Department in the organization of our many tours.
We would also like to dedicate this exhibition in memory of other outstanding women who have collaborated and given support to the Museum of the Americas since the beginning: Ana Benitez, Maria Calás, Graciela Nardi, Sally Poliquin,Vera Wilson de Pérez Cisneros as many others.
And, in the International Month of the Woman, I would like to express my personal and well deserved homage to Commissioner Raul G. Oyuela – my grandfather – who has been a Pioneer in the fight against human traffic in the years 1910 through 1914 when he was appointed by the President of Argentina – José Figueroa Alcorta – to reside in Trieste (at the time the main port of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire) to fight and dismantle the networks dealing in the exploitation of women. My grandfather, 108 years ago, carried the torch defending Women Rights.
In the name of the Museum of the Americas Board of Directors, the Staff and Members, I give my thanks to all the Women in the world - participants or not - in the “WOMEN IN THE ARTS 2022” art show and this book.
Dr.Raul M.Oyuela, A.FIAP Director, Museum of the Americas April, 2022
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