American Home Insurance Guide by Richmond American Homes

How long does it take to insure a new home? The total amount of time you’ll spend on shopping and securing homeowners insurance is typically less than an hour, spread out across the homebuying process from contract to closing day. Here’s an idea of what that looks like:

CONTRACT DAY Your Richmond American sales associate will introduce you to American Home Insurance Agency (AHI) by briefly walking you through the AHI Guidebook. Once you’ve viewed the guidebook, you can forget about insurance for a while and focus on the fun of planning your move!

60 DAYS BEFORE CLOSING Your Richmond American sales associate will reach out to remind you that AHI will be in contact soon to start the insurance process. At that time, you will be given the opportunity to complete the insurance questionnaire on

50 DAYS BEFORE CLOSING It’s time to check in and discuss your options! Your licensed AHI agent will contact you to gather additional information, review your coverage needs and suggest ways to save you more on your premiums, such as bundling home and auto policies. They’ll go over the current insurance market with you and highlight well-established insurance companies to help you choose the one that fits your needs. This is a great time to ask questions before we finalize your quotes.



30 DAYS BEFORE CLOSING Your AHI agent will present your insurance proposal, designed to match your coverage needs and budget. They’ll be prepared to discuss coverage options like limits and deductibles, and to answer any questions.

21 DAYS BEFORE CLOSING It’s time to give your final approval! Tell your agent what you’ve decided and they will bind your coverage. After that, your agent will work directly with your lender and provide them with everything they need to make your closing as smooth as possible.


CLOSING DAY & BEYOND Your service team at AHI will be there to support you through your life’s changing insurance needs. Whatever you and your family are up to, AHI is here to help!



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