ICCFGG program 2022


#7 Cani-DNA, a canine Biological Resource Centre and veterinary network for biomedical research and genetic diversity projects Catherine André1 , Nadine Botherel1, Edouard Cadieu1, Laetitia Lagoutte1, Benoît Hédan1, Annabelle Garand1, Amaury Vaysse1, Jérome Abadie, Laurent Tiret, Marie Abitbol, Rachel Lavoué, Quillaume Queney, Gilles Chaudieu and Richard Guyon1 catherine.andre@univ-rennes1.fr 1 Institut de Génétique et Développement de Rennes, UMR6290 CNRS-Université de Rennes 1(IGDR), France 2Oniris, Site de la Chantrerie, Nantes, France 3École Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, 94700 Maisons-Alfort, France 4VetAgro Sup, Marcy l’Étoile, 5École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, Toulouse, France 6Antagène, La Tour de Salvagny, France 7Association Française des Vétérinaires des Animaux de Compagnie (AFVAC), 75008, Paris, France The BRC (Biological Resource Centre) Cani-DNA collects samples from dogs, as spontaneous genetic and preclinical models of rare and/or complex human genetic diseases. Since 10 years, a partnership has been established by our team (CNRS-Univ Rennes1) with the four National Veterinary Schools of Alfort, Nantes, Lyon & Toulouse and the animal genetics company Antagene (Lyon). The collection of samples is open to society, with the voluntary participation of dog breeders or breed clubs and is based on a national veterinary network including practitioners, veterinary laboratories, specialized hospitals and the French Association for Companion Animals Veterinaries. Samples (blood, tissues, biological fluids …) accompanied by their genealogical, phenotypic and clinical data are collected by qualified veterinarians (DVM), entered in the centralized Cani-DNA database (LIMS Modul-Bio) and the DNA and RNA extractions are performed. The BRC performs quality controls and stores the remaining blood & tissue samples and the corresponding DNA/ RNA samples at -20°C. Cani-DNA contains 33,000 DNA samples extracted from blood, including 18,500 DNA stored at the Rennes site, 10,000 in the four ENVs and 4,500 in Antagene. In addition, 6,200 tissue samples are available in RNAlater (for 2,000 dogs), more specifically for comparative oncology projects. These resources relate to approximately 300 breeds of dogs and more than 100 canine genetic diseases, homologous to human genetic diseases After dedicated training and implementation of specific procedures, Cani-DNA has been certified as a BRC in 2022, for the ISO 9001 & NF S96-900 quality standards and is open to sample distribution (https://igdr.univ-rennes1. fr/en/crb-cani-dna) for mutual beneficial veterinary and human biomedical research.


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