In 2013, in the remote Kenyan border town of Taveta, PFC missionary Bill Valley declared to a group of regional pastors and lay leaders, “There’s a CHURCH behind the walls of that prison!” Why would Bill make such a declaration? Because he just came from an unforgettable PFC service inside Taveta prison. What Bill experienced was “The Inside Church,” as well as a change in perspective. Bill saw a congregation
of worshipers, heart-stirring singing, a powerful sermon on Christ’s restorative power, a call to repentance, and a Spirit-led prayer service. After the service, there was godly fellowship and gifts given in the name of Jesus. This prison service had all the markers of a body of believers gathering in the name of Jesus as a church body.
Prisoners For Christ views prison ministry through this lens - that the ones to whom we minister (inmates, chaplains, in-prison volunteers, and even prison staff) make up “sister churches” of believers at each facility. These churches are on the front lines of evangelism, having a revolving door of wandering souls entering their fold. These churches are also on the front lines of discipleship, having ample opportunities to learn more and help each other grow in Christ.
ABOVE: Inside Church service in Taveta, Kenya.
This is why PFC focuses its efforts on providing support and resources to the men and women who operate these churches inside prison. Whether that means sending in Bibles, devotionals, and worship videos, planting Bible schools, or going on international prison mission trips, PFC is answering the call to remember these “prisoners for Christ” as if we were chained with them.
ABOVE: Eternity Street Band in “Redemption Stories,” a video series featuring outreach music and testimonies.
RIGHT: The Pando App is a Christian app for prisoners that features videos and other digital content from various ministries, including PFC.
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