PFC's 2024 Impact Report

Prisoners are the core constituency of Prisoners For Christ. PFC’s very name is a rally cry for the believers of The Inside Church. Therefore, it is a top priority at PFC to procure quality resources that will evangelize and disciple men and women in prison. From Bibles and devotionals to periodicals and books on human emotions, PFC seeks out relevant and impactful material to minister to the spirit of our brothers and sisters inside.



Our Bible Study Corre- spondence School has 1,977 students from all fifty states currently en- rolled. We have teams of volunteers who review every lesson that comes in, write encouraging comments, and send them back with the next lessons.

Our Yard Out newspa- per has been extremely popular amongst the in - mate population for 25+ years because it is made up entirely of submis - sions from prisoners. It is mailed three times each year to more than 1,100 institutions all over the United States.


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