4.08% Client housing
0.40% Donations in-kind
7.86% Contracted services
2.66% Client rent contributions/Rental 0.57% Sales and fees
0.07% Interest
3.01% Cost recovery from related party 1.2% Miscellaneous
0.51% Donations
4.37% Other funding agencies
12.34% Fees paid to clients
1.19% Municipal 0.10% United Way
1.90% Food service and supplies
Expenses for the Year Ending March 31, 2022
6.20% Federal
5.60% Program costs/training
Revenue for the Year Ending March 31, 2022
7.54% Building occupancy
Highlights Total expenses increased year-over-year by approximately $3.61 million, to $51.11 million. This represents an increase of approximately 7.60% over the previous year. The increase in revenues and expenses produced a net increase in operating surplus of approximately $296,000, or 16.05% over the comparable surplus amount in the previous period. Overall, Options Community Services had a good financial year and remains in sound financial condition. The Society’s total excess of revenue over expenditures, for the year, amounted to approximately $2.14 million.
80.20% Provincial
Highlights The Society’s 2021-22 total revenue increased year-over-year by approximately $3.90 million, to $53.25 million. This represents an increase of approximately 7.91% over the previous year.
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