Kaizen PT - January 2021


“I came to Kaizen PT having a lot of pain in my SI joint. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was running a lot for exercise and stress relief. The pain made it so I couldn’t run and that was very discouraging. Dan helped me, physically and emotionally, by teaching me the tools I needed to be able to run again safely and without pain, and to manage future SI joint discomfort on my own. Thank you!”

“For over a year I was having ongoing pain in my right shoulder and upper arm. My pain would act up especially when I would dance and made it hard to enjoy as my movement was limited. A lot of repetitive movement in my work I believe was the cause, which affected not only dance but working in the garden and the gym. I came to Kaizen through a video on Facebook and decided to go through with the program. Best move ever. Dan and my therapy has helped me tremendously. He worked on finding the source of my problem and giving me exercises to build up the areas in my shoulder that I was neglecting and thus strengthening. I am now progressing, moving forward and have a new outlook of a pain-free attitude.”

-Cindy Jo A.

“I had been struggling with shoulder pain and neck mobility for two-plus months after a rear-end collision accident. I came into Kaizen and Barry was able to diagnose me with the type of injury and walked me through a regimented recovery plan both in-person and at home treatment. I am now able to use my shoulder normally, at the same degree as pre- accident, and have been able to get back to normal activities such as gym and sports. Thank you, Kaizen!”

-Jun I.

-Linda P.

206-524-6702 KaizenSeattle.com

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