2020 Prism_Vol2_MAY_063020_single pages_flip book


was time to delve into the world of loose gems down below, and just as I was about to jump on the escalator I received a text message from Alan Hart—the CEO of the Gemmological Association of Great Brit- ain—with the words,“Are you busy?” Having known Alan a while now, I know that when he asks if I’m busy, it usually means there’s some gem world craziness or rarely seen specimen he wants to show me. So I quickly replied that I was on my way downstairs where I met up with him at the bottom of the escalator. “You want to see some amazing demantoid Garnet?” he asked.“Let’s do it,” I replied, and the two of us were off and running, heels and all (on me–not on Alan.). The first booth we visited was that of Prosperity Earth to view the aforemen- tioned demantoid Garnet beauties before heading to Pala International where I got to play with a juicy 32+ carat Colorado Rhodochrosite. I then took Alan over to see my friends at Boston Gems where we both ogled some incredible rainbow Moonstones. Bridges Tsavorite provided me with some great education on, well,Tsavorite (I mean, duh) and I was able to shoot some pictures of gorgeous gray Spinel at the booth of Robert Bentley. Day One had been like a magically colorful carpet ride through a world I’d never before visited, and I was anxious to do it all over again with so much more left to see. All in all, my week in Tucson far sur- passed any expectation I had of the expe- rience.And while I took one of my days there to visit some of the tents around the city, I found myself back at the Convention Center before that day was over because I had come to the conclusion that there were just too many extraordinary things at AGTA that I was afraid I wouldn’t have the time to photograph. It was an eye-opening trip that I won’t soon forget, and I cannot thank the AGTA enough for inviting me out to both teach an education session and serve as one of their Gembassadors™. Add more color to your lives, people— every single day, and in every way you possibly can. By Barbara Palumbo


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