King's Business - 1915-03


(Noté: This address contains a message greatly needed, not only in China but in America and England and other countries as well. Copies of this address in pamphlet form may be had at 5c each by addressing the Biola Book Room, 536-548 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.— E ditors .)

brought nigh; he is lost and must be found; he is dead and must be made alive again. The Word of God as clearly shows what he may become. He may know God as a loving Father and Jesus Christ as an all sufficient Saviour, more than that he may enter into an intimate personal relationship with God, nay, may really come into His family as a son and heir and co­ heir with Jesus Christ; more than that he may have God Himself within him in all His fulness through the indwelling Spirit; still more yet he may grow daily into a discernible likeness to Jesus Christ, so incarnat­ ing again the very life of the Son of God on earth that he is able to say, “For me to live is Christ.” Then having attained to this life himself, through the complete abandonment of his life to God, he goes out as a wit­ ness ; as one filled with a passion to win others to God until his home, his community, his city, his nation, have heard the voice and have felt the transforming touch of the living Christ. This, and still more, is evan­ gelism. But it is all this whether we speak of it in general terms in con­ nection with a movement, or in spe- -cfic terms in connection with an indi­ vidual. I pause here to ask, “who is suffi­ cient for these things ?” Who here is equal to such a task as this? Not

HIS morning we have two great themes blend- ed into one, intercession and evangelism. The major emphasis is to be

placed upon intercession, but interces­ sion in its relationship to evangelism, evangelism in its dependence upon in­ tercession. What is Evangelism? First, what is evangelism? Let us confine ourselves for a moment to the personal equation in it. Three persons are concerned: God, who works to win, the one to be won, and the one who wins him. I wish 'we could con­ sider God’s part in evangelism; His finished work of saving and keeping men through the death and resurrec­ tion of Jesus Christ., His perfected method of wooing and winning men through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the world. God’s part is done. Think now a moment of the one to be won. The Bible clearly ■reveals his condition, whether he be rich or poor, learned or ignorant, great or small, cultured or crude. He is one ignorant of God whose mind is blinded by the god of this world; he is far off from God and must be ♦An ad d ress given a t th e sum m er confer­ ence on E vangelism held a t K uling and P eitaih o , C hina, d u rin g th e sum m er of 1914.

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