King's Business - 1915-03



ing to pay the price? Is God able? He was in the first century: .He has been in Korea, and He has given evi­ dences of the mighty working of His Spirit in some parts of China. He says nothing is impossible with Him. He has proven it many times. God is able. Are you ? If not, do you desire to-be? Will you today deter­ mine by His grace to be ? “And I sought for a man among them that should build up the wall, and Stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none” “And He saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor,” “There is none that called upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee.” God waits for intercessors. Will you today yield your life to become One after God’s own heart? I be­ lieve to some of us it will be as im­ portant a step as when we surren­ dered the life to Jesus Christ, defi­ nitely purposed to become a mission­ ary. It may be the most difficult decision some of us ever have made. To break through old habits, to resist the clamor of pressing duties that always have had their way, to be willing to endure misunderstanding, to make every other call subordinate to this one whether others approve of it or not, will not be easy at first. Intercession costs. I know of noth­ ing that costs so much. It will cost time. It will mean hours where we have spent minutes. Undoubtedly it will mean giving up time we have spent in fellowship with people to spend it with God. I have come to see that to say I have not time for intercession is nothing but self-exalta­ tion and self-confidence in its most malign form, for it is equivalent to saying, “I can work without God.” Nothing is a greater victory for the devil than to convince one he hasn’t

colleagues will know it; if habitually we neglect to pray our whole work will reveal it. I verily believe our whole life of service would be completely revolu­ tionized if we began today to think of intercession as the greatest work­ ing force and put it into each day’s schedule as such. -Evangelism—Inter­ cession: Intercession—Evangelism, in China! Every message to which we have listened during the days of this Conference has driven home to us the fact that we are face to face with the most magnificent opportunity any human beings ever had given them of God. He has spoken to us from out of heaven telling us of the pre­ paredness of the hearts of this people, of the whiteness of the harvest field, and He has called us to the reaping. What is to be our response? Let us ask ourselves today, “is God ready for this great spiritual awakening in China?” What more could God do to get ready? He has sent Jesus Christ to be each man’s. Saviour, He fias given the Holy Spirit to woo and to win, He has opened the windows of heaven to pour out the blessing. Reverently I say it, God’s part is done. For what does He wait? Just as truly as the outpouring of Pente­ cost depended upon the waiting prayer of those early disciples, so does a Pentecostal outpouring upon China wait upon the prevailing prayer of God’s people in this land. Pozver through personality by prayer. Are you ready? Is God willing? He has said He was, and, to back up His statement, He has given those un­ limited promises by which we may prove His sincerity if we will. Through the promises of Jesus Christ, God the Father has been willing to open the storehouse of His power and put it all at our disposal. But there is but one means of obtaining i t : power through prayer. Are we will­

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