King's Business - 1915-03



toward the cross for a long time. By and by when the holidays came on, the numbers began to fall off, and it was the best thing for us, it was what we wanted so that men could get their eyes off the crowd and think of God. Now, my friends, do not think that anything is small that God handles. Look at that little cloud up there, no bigger than a man’s hand, but that cloud was enough to water all Palestine and the land that had thirsted for three years and six months got all the water it wanted out of that cloud. Plenty large enough, for God was in it. Let me say before we close, that what we want is to get hold of God. Now there are a great many people that will lend their ears to other people, they never hear for themselves. They want you people to use your ears for them. Let us each go up for our­ selves and pray to God that we may get a blessing for ourselves. If the Spirit of the Lord God comes upon us, it will take all eternity to tell the result. If the Spirit of God comes upon us afresh, I have no more doubt about the success of the meet­ ings than I have that we exist. But if we are cold and indifferent then the work will be superficial, it will not be lasting and will not be such as many of you are praying for. Let us ask God that we may receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit. Let our prayer be, “Oh, God, give me a fresh baptism. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation.” God said to Elijah just before he went away, Come call Elisha to take your place. If God calls us to the work, He can qualify us to do it. When the time drew near for Elijah to be taken from Elisha, Elijah said to Elisha, “I will go down and see the sons of the prophets.” It had been revealed to Elisha that Elijah was going to be

taken up. Elisha wanted to be anointed for the place he was called to fill. So he went with Elijah. They traveled together until they reached Bethel. Then Elijah said, “You stay here and I will go down to Jericho and see how the sons of the prophets are getting on down there.” But Elisha kept close to him and they walked arm in arm to Jericho. When they reached Jericho, Elijah said, “You stay here and I will go over to the Jordan.” He was on a tour of inspection of the theological semi­ naries. But Elisha still kept close to his companion. As they were walking together Elijah said, “What can I do for you, Elisha? What is your petition?” “Well,” said Elisha, “I want a double portion of your spirit.” That was a pretty bold peti­ tion ; he was asking great things. That is what God wants us to do, to ask great things. They came to the waters of Jordan and Elijah takes off his mantle, wraps it to­ gether and smites the waters and the waters divide and they pass through safely on dry ground. While they are still talking, there suddenly comes a chariot from heaven to bear Elijah away to glory. Elisha takes up the mantle that Elijah has dropped and goes back to Jordan, smites the waters and cries, “Where is the God of Elijah?” and the waters part hither and thither and Elisha goes over, and when the sons of the prophets see Elisha coming over dry- shod they say, “The spirit of Elijah rests upon Elisha.” May the spirit of Elijah rest upon us tonight. Let us go to our homes, let us go to our closets and let us cry to the God of Elijah, “Here am I, God, use me!” that we may be ready for all His service. Oh! that we may be weak in ourselves that we may give all the honor to Jesus. If we do this, we will see how quick He will use us.

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