King's Business - 1915-03



two of His disciples on a trying errand. It was a trial of faith, but these disciples proved themselves to be disciples indeed by doing precisely what the Master told them to do (v. 6). This is the supreme test of discipleship (John 15:14). They found everything just as Jesus said it would be (Luke 19:32). In putting their own garments on the colt for Jesus to sit upon they proclaimed their own acceptance of Jesus as King (cf. 2 Kings 9:13). Thus Jesus entered Jerusalem in exact literal ful­ filment of Zechariah’s prophecy (Zech. 9 :9). Those who protest against a literal inter­ pretation of prophecies as yet unfulfilled, would do well to note carefully with what minute literalness Christ has fulfilled the prophecies that have already been fulfilled. The enthusiasm was tremendous (cf. John 12:13). As they turned the corner of the mount and Jerusalem rose before their view, the people began to rejoice and praise God. They sang one of the Messianic Psalms (v. 9 cf. Ps. 118:25, 26) and uttered like shouts. It seemed out of place to the Pharisees for them to so forget their dig­ nity and get so excited in Christ’s service (Luke 19:39, 40). Unfortunately, the en­ thusiasm of the people for Jesus was short­ lived, but as short-lived as their enthusiasm was it was more thorough-going and hearty and less calculating while it lasted than that of many modern professed Christians. It is a beautiful sight to see people throw­ ing the best they have at Jesus’ feet to pave the way for the King. But Jesus Him­ self did not join in their joy. He wept while others shouted (Luke 19:41-44). All the city was stirred as Jesus entered; no one causes such a commotion as Jesus in any city which He enters. Wherever He goes there is a shaking up and a question­ ing and a division. The question the people asked was an important one, “Who is this ?” “Who is this,” that so mightily stirs hearts of men? “Who is this,” that speaks as never man spoke? “Who is this,” that heals the sick and raises the dead? “Who is this,” that sets free the slaves of sin? “Who is this/’ that claims authority on

earth to forgive sins ? ■“Who is this,” that dares to stretch out His hand to the suf­ fering thousands and say, “Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest” ? “Who is this,” that lived more than eighteen centuries ago and yet has such transforming power in the lives of men today? Yes, “Who is this?” The multitudes reply, “This is a prophet,” but we have a better answer, “This is indeed the Sort of God, the Saviour of the world, my Lord and my God.” Thursday, March 25. Matt. 21:12-14. The second time Jesus cleanses the tem­ ple (cf. John 2:12-17). The first cleansing had not proved permanent, nor did this, but it expressed the mind of God and of Christ. His mind is just the same today. When He looks at the building dedicated to the service of God transformed from a “House of Prayer” into a “den of robbers” His anger waxes hot. All these things He found in the temple were connected somehow with worship; they were sacrificial animals they were selling and buying, it was money to use for the offering which they were ex­ changing for the Roman coin. But though it was ostensibly in the name of God, it was really for the sake of private gain. He cleaned the whole thing out. But suddenly there is a different scene, the blind and the lame draw nigh and how swift is the transformation -from terrific indignation to gentlest compassion. We have men today who are fearless in their denunciation and mighty in their overthrow of evil entrenched in high places; we have also men full of gentleness and love toward the unfortu­ nates; how seldom are these two opposites factors of moral strength found united in one man. But so it was with Jesus. “It pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell” (Col. 1:9). The eyes that blazed the moment before as He looks upon those who had made His Father’s house a den of robbers, now beam with a gentle­ ness and compassion that never shone in other eyes. “He healed them.” He is

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