King's Business - 1915-03

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G od ' s B ein g and A ttributes . 1. The Bible Assumes God’s Existence. -—Gen. 1:1. 2. Creation Manifests His Existence.— Ps. 19:1; Rom. 1:20; Job 12: 8, 9. 3. God’s Attributes Revealed in the Bible: (1 )He is spirit, —John 4:24 (note the practical inference). (2) He is self-existent and eternal, —John 5 :26; Ps. 90:2; Deut. 33:27 (note the in­ ference; cf. Heb. 7:25). (3) He is all-powerful (omnipotent ),— i Gen. 17:1; Jer. 32: 17 (note, Dan. 3:17). (4) He is all-knowing (omniscient), — Job 36:34; Ps. 139:1-4, 12; Rom. 11:33, 34 (note Matt. 6:6, 32). (5) He is in all places ( omnipresent J,—* Jer. 23:24; Ps. 139: 3, 5, 7-10 (note Gen. 16:17, 13; Matt. 28:20). (6) He never changes (is immutable ),— Num. 23:19; James 1:17 (note Deut. 7: 9, 10 ). (7) He is just, —Deut. 32:4; Gen. 18:25 (note 1 Kings 8:32; cf. 1 John 1:9, where justice and truth, which by nature con­ demns, discharges the sinner whom Jesus redeemed). (8) He is all-loving, —1 John 4:8, 16 (note 1 John 4:11). 4. Jesus Only Reveals God Fully,—John 1:18; 14:9—.S’.

G od ' s W ord . 1. God Has Spoken,®ftlsa. 1:2; Heb. 1:1, 2 . (1) This must be taken literally, —Exod. 19:19; Acts 9:4, 7. (2) The prophets were God’s spokesmen, —Exod. 4:16. (3) The charter of the order of prophets, —Deut. 18:15-22. (4) That it means that God actually and supernaturally taught and sent the true prophet is proven by contrast, —Deut. 18:20; Ezek. 13:4-12. 2. The Particular Words Are of God.—i 1 Cor. 2:13. 3. Not Only the Uttered But the Writ­ ten Words Are of Him,—2 Tim. 3:16 (to the jots and tittles, like our dot that mark an i or stroke a Q, Matt. 5 :18). 4. The Whole Bible, 66 Books, Are God’s Words,—Luke 24:27 (Jesus calls them fools and slow of heart—dull, slug­ gish-minded—who do not believe it all,— 24:25). 5. It Is Therefore, Necessarily, the Final Authority in All Matters of Faith and Practice,—Isa. 8:20; Gal. 1:6-9 (to twist it is to resist it,—Rev. 22:18, 19; 2 Peter 3: 15, 16). 6. It, therefore is, also, infallible,—Matt. 24:35; 1 Peter 1:24, 25. —S’.


T he F irst T hing “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” —Matt. 6 :33. 1. The setting of the text. 2. Is it the text of the Sermon on the Mount? 3. “The chief end of man,” etc.— Westm. Conf.

I. First as to time (Eccl. 12:1; 2 Kings 22:1, 2; 1 Kings 3:5, 9; Luke 2:42, 49; 2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15; special, Matt. 19:14). Train young to “salute the flag” of the King. II. First as to needs. It takes prece­ dence to food and clothes (Job 23:12; John

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