King's Business - 1915-03



wine after each meal, and proceeded with his measurements. In every case the worker showed a decline in efficiency varying be­ tween 7.6 and 8 per cent.' After experimenting with a ' number of Germans, the professor tried the same ex­ periment with men of other races and un­ der different climatic conditions, and the results were practically the same. Then he tried another experiment, to see just what effect alcohol had upon the men­ tal powers. He tried some accountants, and tested their ability to add long columns of figures. At first the accountants worked without alcohol, and then they were given four cupfuls of claret a day. On the very first day their work fell off 3.1 per cent, and it steadily declined until at the end of two weeks'the loss was 15.3 per cent in daily efficiency. T he following incident actually occurred and this rhymed record is almost verbatim even to the last remark: I m et at church one Sunday A genial gentleman Who said, “I’m from St. Louis And a Presbyterian.” Said I, “Are ypu a hearer Of my good friend, Doctor B.?” “No, no;” and he shrugged his shoulders. “He’s too gloomy, sir, for me. “I’m one of Doctor Blankses Fair and fashionable fold; A scholar he and preacher,' sir, Of quite another mold. With a softly cushioned seat. “ ’Tis there I go on Sundays For a spiritual feed, , And taste the Doctor’s sermonettes— They’re very nice indeed. “Yes, I like a cheery preacher, And a choir recherche — Sir, I’m going home to glory In a comfortable way.” . — I. H. S. “We’ve the city’s finest choir, And their menus are a treat; My pew’s well situated,

the ring hack to the young woman,” said a minister. ”1 will give five dollars,” said the Stated clerk. A newspaper reporter handed up five dollars to the platform. Pastors, missionaries, visitors, came forward readily with the cash, each one eager to have some share in restoring the ring. In less than ten minutes more than three hundred dol­ lars had been passed up to the desk. It was all caused by the vision they got of the self- sacrificing love that flamed in the heart of that little woman, making her glad to (to something for her dear Master. D octer A. T. P ierson , speaking of the Reverend D. Nash, associated with Finney in the revival work in Western New York, said: “H e w as deeply in terested in m issions and w as w o n t to p ray w ith a m ap of th e w orld before him on w hich m issio n ary sta tio n s w ere m arked, an d fo r a d ay o r m ore he w ould m ake each sta tio n a special object of p ray er. S om etim es he took fields a t home, such a s cities in w estern N ew Y ork; and som etim es fields of lab o r beyond th e sea. A fter d eath such reco rd s as th ese w ere found in h is p riv ate jo u rn al: ‘I th in k I have had th is d ay a sp irit of p ray er fo r R o ch ester.’ Or, ag ain , ‘I am g reatly d raw n to p ray for Oodooville, C eylon,’ an d com paring th ese successive en tries, from d a te to d ate, w ith th e m arvelous outflow ings of g racio u s b less­ in g in th e v ario u s fields a t hom e an d abroad, it w as found th a t revivals h ad sp ru n g up in every cfty or m ission sta tio n for w hich he h ad been in terced in g an d in th e identical o rd er of th e en tries, an d a t th e v ery d ate w hen th e sp irit of p ray er h ad been developed in h im .’’ E very new scientific study of alcohol and its effects helps to demonstrate more ex­ clusively than ever that alcohol is a foe to work. Prof. Dr. Emil Krapelin, of Munich Uni­ versity, has been making some rather re­ markable experiments in this direction, using the ergograph, a machine invented by Prof. Angelo Mosso, of Turin. Prof. Krapelin first took a total abstainer, and measured his muscular efficiency with the ergograph ten times a day for some weeks. Then he gave the man a glass of Bordeaux

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