King's Business - 1915-03

T ♦> 3> ** B i b l e I n s t i t u t e o f L o s A n g e l e s S UPERINTENDENT HORTON and the men of the departments, some fourteen in all, spent a day at Brighton course. Mr. Ross has been preaching the Gospel for several years as an ordained Baptist preacher, and has made good in every respect. We are always glad to have him drop in upon us.

Beach, in conference and prayer. A good many problems were discussed, and a- sea­ son of fellowship heartily enjoyed. A. C. G aebelein , editor and publisher of “Our Hope,” will be with us March 7th to 17th. Mr. Gaebelein has been one of the strong defenders of thç faith, and is being greatly used in conference work throughout thé country, and we are looking forward with genuine pleasure to his stay with us. M r . R. W. A nderson has been called to the pastorate of two Presbyterian churches, in the northern part of the state. Mr. Harlow Parsons, president of our student body, is. holding a series of meet­ ings in the Rose Hill Chapel—a union church—of which he is the stated supply. Messrs. Isbell and Hardy, of our Oil Field force, spent the holidays with us, and have now returned to the work in the North. T he F ishermen ' s C lub have been hold­ ing two series of meetings among young people. Mr. Elliott Barret, formerly evan­ gelist of the Club, has had charge. Many young people were brought to the place of full surrender of their lives, and others were led to Christ as Saviour. The Club Rooms of the Fishermen’s and Lyceum Clubs will soon be ready for .oc­ cupancy, and it is expected that large things will then be undertaken by the clubs. T he first registered student of the Bible Institute was Mr. Britton Ross. He be­ came the first janitor and worked his way through the school. He was an artisan and capable of earning good wages, but he made the sacrifice necessary to complete his

O pening the A uditorium . Before the April issue reaches you, we hope to be in our auditorium, with Dr. W. B. Riley for a month’s campaign. Dr. Riley is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Minneapo­ lis, and president of the Northwestern Bible Institute, a brother much beloved, and one of the choicest Bible men of the country. We are anticipating a feast of fat things through his ministry. The program for the following months will be given in the April number. W e do ! The following letter was re­ cently received from Kansas: “Will you please advise me as to whether you accept contributions to help carry on your work, and oblige.” Our reply in the affirmative brought us a generous check, and added a friend whom we believe will place us on his prayer list. We need a good many friends of this char­ acter, and assure all of our readers that we will appreciate gifts, large or small, for any department of our work, as well as for the building fund. MARRIED A missionary wedding occurred in the home of Superintendent Horton on Wed­ nesday evening, January 27th. Mr. Vernon Morgan (“1913”) was united to Miss Mar­ garet Horton. After the ceremony a con­ secration service was held and the two young people were set apart by the laying on of hands and prayer. The communion service followed. Mr. Morgan spent part of last year with Mr. Van Eddings in

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