King's Business - 1915-03



said: “If I had not found you people and through you, my Saviour, it is very likely that before now, in these hard times, I would have put an end to my life.” S in c e the second week of January, with­ out interruption, we have been having the best meetings we have had since the open­ ing of the Mission nine years ago. The scarceness of work for ^the Mexican peo­ ple has forced upon us the necessity of feeding those who came to the mission each evening. The Lord has so far provided the needed provisions, and we have been happy in the service. Over 700 have been thus fed so far. We1give each person a plate of beans, one or two cups of coffee, and all the bread he wishes. However, we be­ lieve it is best to begin where the Bible does, “Spirit, soul and body,” placing the body last instead of first, as is generally done. We first have a gospel and testimony service, and then follow it up with the pro­ vision for the body. We then close with song and prayer, and those who are inter­ ested in their spiritual need are invited to an after service. At this latter, several stay each evening. Over 60 persons have pro­ fessed the Lord as their Saviour during the last two weeks. Several of these fiave already read through the gospel of John, and are now reading the New Testament from the first. Never have I seen money invested to better advantage than this has been. One dollar will feed about fifty per­ sons, and they will come whether the weather is propitious or not. T he opening of the Panama-Pacific E x­ position will call for added work, and it is my desire to have just the part in this work that He would have me accomplish. I need the prayers of you who know how to in­ tercede with God, for strength to keep up in the greatest work a man was ever given to accomplish—the ministry of the Word. Will you stand with me?

food, but in my heart I know that Christ has saved me from my sins for all eterrfity.” Another said: “I have not only become ac­ quainted with real Christians, but I my­ self am now one, and am sure that it is true wdiat I read in the New Testament But I do thank God that I am now one of His children, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, freed from the power of Satan, and with the hope of reigning with Christ for­ ever.” O n e of the believers, who accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour several years ago at the mission, writes as follows: “I be­ lieve that I ought to give my testimony to the way I have grown, and to what I have received during my life as a Christian, and tell of the great change that has taken place in me. Having been a drunkard and walk­ ing in the way of sin, according to my fleshly lusts, and without hope of salvation for my soul. One winter evening Mr. Jami­ son and some others were singing gospel hymns on the street. Out of curiosity I drew nigh to listen, and I there heard words which made me see the evil road I was following, and the consequences and punishment which awaited me on account of my sins. He spoke of Christ as the sin­ ner’s substitute, who had died for us all on the cross. I there understood my need of a personal Saviour and the great value of my soul, and that all the efforts I could make for my salvation would be useless, that nothing can separate from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.” Another T HERE is a persistent call from the City Rescue Mission for some Bible study work, and wherever I have had the privi­ lege of speaking, I have found an appetite for more of the opening of the Book. The Lord is surely stirring up the people to “study to show themselves approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to 'be ashamed.”

The Extension Work Geo. W. Hunter, Superintendent

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