King's Business - 1915-03



The Bible Women’s Work* Mrs. T. C. Horton, Superintendent

HAVE found many Christians untaught and without the full assurance of sal­ vation, and the hard cases Mrs. ----- has given are just as hard as she described them. A fter many weeks of struggle, a young girl accepted Christ, having’ fully counted the cost of standing alone —in a hard place, for every member of the family and almost every relative are in Christian Science. Pray for her. I spent nearly a whole afternoon one day with a Presbyterian backslider, whose sister was tempting her to go into Christian Science. I took Mrs. Eddy’s book and showed her its false teaching and when I got through she said, “Well, I don’t want anything to do with that.” I am praying that this woman may come back into a place of active service for Him, which she once enjoyed. A college girl who had lost faith in the Bible through the influence of “Higher Criti­ cism” confessed to the Bible woman who met her that Christ was nothing to her. Repeated discussions seemed to have been fruitless, but a letter has just brought the good news that Scripture references prayer­ fully given by the worker have led to a careful study of the Bible, and now this young’woman is rejoicing in restored faith in the written and Incarnate Word of God. M rs . H. said she didn’t believe in churches, that church people were only pre­ tenders ; she was better than they were. She hooked the screen door and said, “I do not want to talk with you at all.” I asked the privilege of sitting on her porch to rest a minute. She then asked who Cain’s wife »These rep o rts of th e B ible W om en’s w ork in p ersonal conversation, house to house v is­ itation, neighborhood classes, an d am ong high school g irls a re p rep ared by th e w orkers them selves.

was and confessed herself an out and out unbeliever. Afterward, she invited me in, got her Bible and read passages I called for, became convicted that the Bible was true and said she must now go and get her hus­ band’s dinner, but asked me to come again soon, thanked me for calling and promised not to give up until she knew she was saved. A worker weary of what seemed an un­ successful afternoon of calling, was not very cordially received at a certain house, the door only being opened a tiny way, but with a little patience we drew out the facts of a life of unrest and effort to keep the Golden Rule, which had never brought peace into her life. Then we were able to point her to Jesus and His work, and the Spirit surely did a work while we stood yet at the door, for with tears in her eyes she said, “I do see it as never before. Thank you so much for coming.” And the next call found a young woman just getting into Christian Science, very willing to look into the Word about it. A half hour was well spent look­ ing into and comparing the Word of God. Seed sown that is sure to bear fruit for the Master. F orty girls from one High School Bible Class, sat in the tall grass on the sloping hillside, under the spreading branches of a great live oak. There was a great quiet­ ness during the service, which lasted over two hours. We all but saw Him who was in the midst. A number of girls heard his voice saying, “Come, follow”—that was. all. Who would not follow if they heard His call! In the soft light of closing day, they went down the mountain road singing their hearts’ overflow. Two cowboys dashed past at full gallop, calling out, “That must be a Sunday School gang.” All the way back to the big, thoughtless, sin-tired city they

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