OccupationalTherapy Assistant Emily was introduced to hand therapy through one of her clinical rotations and discovered a passion for helping people return to their activities of daily living using one of themost utilized parts of the body. She is furthering her education and specialization inhandtherapy to include the use of custom hand supports, scar release therapy, and active release techniques. Emilycontinuestoadvanceherhandtherapyandoccupational therapy assistant skills through continuing education and working closely with Certified Hand Therapists to provide the best care to all her patients. When not working, Emily enjoys spending time with her husband, kids and pets at home or binging her favorite show, West Wing.
At Hands for Living, we can create a custom orthoses specifically for your needs. Our Lynnwood hand therapists will design a personalized treatment plan dependant on your diagnosis and mobility level,aswellascustomorthosesthatwillhelprelievepain, improve your range of motion, and increase strength. Dependingontheseverityofyourcondition,thereareamultitude of different braces that may help in making daily activities easier to perform. Custom braces can help with the alignment of joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, allowing for optimum healing. By working closely with one of our highly trained Lynnwood hand therapists, you can be confident that you have the proper brace forfacilitatinghealingandprotectingyourupperextremityduring your recovery. To find out if CustomOrthoses could benefityou, call us today at 425-368-7943.
Hand Exercise Helps with Flexibility
Patient Spotlight
“You all have been so amazing, taking care of my hand so I’m able to get back to work.” “ Thank you ladies, especially Hilary my amazing therapist, for making my experience here at Hands for Living the best. You all have been so amazing, taking care of my hand so I’m able to get back to work. It’s been a blast. I can’t thank you enough. I’ll definitely be back to visit again. I recommend going here if you need it. Big hugs.” - J. T.
Use your unaffected hand to bend the affected wrist up as shown. Keep the elbow straight on the affected side the entire time.
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