Determine if you are eligible and who you can cover. The table on page 5 highlights eligibility for benefits and who pays for the coverage. In addition, page 5 describes which of your dependents are eligible to be covered under most benefit plans.
Need help choosing your plans? We have the tool for you!
ALEX® is a virtual benefits counselor who can help you decide which benefit plans will best serve your needs. ALEX is easy to understand. The experience is designed to be light, jargon-free, and helpful. ALEX is completely confidential. It does not create, receive, maintain, transmit, collect or store any identifiable end-user information. ALEX is not an enrollment platform for benefits. You can access ALEX anytime from the Workday Homepage, underneath the Announcements section.
Make your benefit elections in Workday. New Hire Enrollment: If you are a new associate, you have 30 days from your date of hire to complete the New Hire Enrollment event that will be delivered to your inbox in Workday after one week of employment.
Review the benefit plans for which you are eligible and “Waive” or “Elect” coverage under each plan for the 2020 plan year. If you do nothing, your elections will default to “Waive” for all benefit plans, with the exception of the plans for which you will be automatically enrolled, as indicated in the table on page 5. Open Enrollment: If you are an existing associate, you have from November 1 through November 15, 2019 to complete the Open Enrollment event in your inbox in Workday and make your benefit elections for the 2020 plan year. If you do nothing, your current benefit elections, with the exception of Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), will carryover for the 2020 plan year. Elections for all FSA plans will default to “Waive” for the 2020 plan year. Read more about the FSAs on page 22.
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