IGU NCAI MY Mid Year Update 2019 FINAL

TRIBAL GAMING PROTECTION NETWORK: NIGA First Lady Cher Stevens provides keynote address 3rd Annual Women in Tribal Gaming Symposium

May 9, 2019 – Cabazon, CA – On May 8-9, the Tribal Game Protection Network (TGPN) held the 3rd Annual Women inTribal Gaming Symposium at Morongo Resort and Casino in Cabazon, CA. TPGN Symposium Chairwoman Frances Alvarez, who is the former Licensing Manager for the San Pasqual Gaming Commission and Director of Professional Services for Merydyan Technologies led the successful Women’s confab. The TGPN Board of Directors and Chairman Andrew Hofstetter, along with with with the essential corporate sponsors; workshop presenters; artisans; and many volunteers – organized a productive and memorable symposium for a fantastic group of tribal gaming professionals and tribal government officials from across the country. While most of the symposium attendees were women, a few of their male counterparts also attended. The Morongo Resort and Casino, along with the Morongo Gaming Agency led by Executive Director Oscar Schuyler, hosted the symposium and went all out with their hospitality, as they have every year the seminar has been held. Morongo represents the epitome of skill, hospitality, and professionalism in the gaming industry. The tone of the symposium was set early by the impassioned presentation delivered by First Lady of the National Indian Gaming Association, Cheryl Stevens, who serves as a Tribal Grants Manager for the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin. The First Lady of NIGA welcomed the attendees and humbly shared that she was honored to be invited to speak to the powerful women of Indian gaming. She said, “All of us play a vital role in the success of Indian gaming.” She added that besides holding a full-time job, helping with five kids and 16 grandbabies and maintaining the domestic responsibilities of the household, my role in organizing and managing the foundation at home is a big part in the success of the Chairman of NIGA. I have come to realize that I am pretty important in keeping our home life organized.” She concluded, “My message is for those that are out there working hard for us, is always to remember life doesn’t stop back home. There is someone taking care of everything at home so you can continue to be out there fighting for us.” She concluded, “My mother taught me early on to know that if it needs to be done, do it! Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty or break a nail!” The presentations and symposium activities that followed for the next two days emphasized support, mentorship, empowerment, perseverance, and professional skill development – themes seldom encountered at other training conferences and forums. The Mentors’ Luncheon, networking opportunities, and professional skill development workshops reminded all of us.

Chairman Ernie Stevens, Jr., and First Lady Cheryl Stevens join Oscar Schuyler, Executive Director of the Gaming Commission at Morango at the TPGN Women’s Symposium.

Chairman Ernie Stevens, Jr., presents a Chairman’s Leadership award to Symposium Chairwoman Frances Alvarez, former Licensing Manager for the San Pasqual Gaming Commission and Director of Professional Services for Merydyan Technologies. Joining Alverez are Andrew Hofstetter, TPGN Chairman and Oscar Schyler, Executive Director of theMorongo Gaming Commission


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