Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — September 14 - 27, 2012 — A M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal A uctions
CBRE Auctions
MInIMUM BID aUCtIOn Sold to The Highest Bidder at or Above $14/Sf
Calvert Center
Commercial Property in Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 4000 +/- s/f 1 story brick & block building Property frontage is 125 feet by 300 feet deep Front office w/bathroom, bathroom w/shower in work area 2 Bay doors, Central Air, Gas Heat, Fully Insulated Close to NJ Turnpike and Route 295 AUCTION: SEPTEMBER 22, 2012 AT 1PM OPEN HOUSE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 FROM 9AM TO 3PM Call 609-448- SOLD (7653) www.alfredsauctionsinc.com 650 Deer Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Auction :: octoBER 11
Calvert Center ±411,730-SF 17-Story High Rise Office Building
UÊAdjacent to major medical campus, City Hall and Circuit Court of Baltimore UÊIncludes 329 covered parking spaces UÊFormer Bank of America Operations Center UÊAlternative uses may include school, multi-housing, condominium, hotel, medical office, parking garage or storage UÊCurrent occupancy less than 10% - tremendous value-add opportunity
225 N. Calvert Street Baltimore, Maryland (Downtown Baltimore)
800.815.1038 Scan to view auction listings on our website: www.cbre.com/auctionservices Follow us on twitter: @cbreAuctions
Broker Participation Invited | Broker: CBRE, Inc.
Bank Ordered Auction Three Bank Owned Properties $XFWLRQ+HOG)ULGD\2FWSP Residence Inn Atlantic City, 900 Mays Landing Road, Somers Point, NJ 08244 Property #1: Bayfront Building Lot Property #2: Two-Story 2IÀFH%XLOGLQJ Property #3: 8± Acres with 7 Lots
5,000 S/F BUILDING (2009) ON 4.8 ACRES, OPERATING CONVENIENCE/DELI STORE WITh LIQUOR LICENSE, ON SITE PARKING! TUESDAY OCTOBER 9Th @11:00 A.M. 1110 Edella Rd., Clarks Summit, PA 18411 (Corner of Fairview Road) This property is surrounded by 250 Apartments, 50 Town Houses and numerous Single Family Homes in an affluent area. This is an opportunity to invest into your future. The property has the potential for various profitable ventures. Details: Col. Steve Sitar & Co. (570) 586-1397 PaLic AU2124-L www.sitarauctions.com
(Offered as a Package)
5105 Winchester Ave, Ventnor City, NJ 08406
1742 Mays Landing-Somers Point Road, Egg Harbor Twp, NJ 08234
9th Ave. & Garden Ave, Rio Grande, NJ 08210
PROPERTY INSPECTIONS HELD Sunday, September 23, 12:00-2:00pm – Properties 1 & 2 Wednesday, September 26, 12:00-2:00pm - Property 3
856-769-4111 www. WarnerRealtors .com
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal, 1/4 pg, Sept. 14
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