Kappa Journal Post-Conclave Issue (Fall 2017)

would Jesus do? On the current debate on healthcare.

"Senators have the power of life and death over more than 23 million people (the elderly, disabled, children!) who are lying in the proverbial ditch like the beaten up man on the side of the road. Would we as 'church folk' be so sanctimonious or so uninterested in the plight of our fellow man and pass on the other side while others seemingly turn a blind eye and not consider the least of us in the discussion, as seemingly the priest and Levite did? WWJD?" Dr. Bracy reminded us that not only did the Good Samaritan bind up the beaten man’s wounds and dressed them, he transported the man to an inn, paid for his stay and committed to paying for his care. "This is what Jesus would have done." Instead, effectively, the political leaders of today are acting like the priest and the Levite on the issue of healthcare. On leadership and human dignity. Then, Dr. Bracy pointed out the antipathy between Jews and Samari- tans during that time, comparing the similarities between Blacks and Whites in the United States. He stated “Right now, we are sitting on a powder keg here in America. Young Black men have been mur- dered under the guise of Stand Your Ground. Where one says it’s all right to take a Black man’s life, without any punishment in a court of law. [T]he other side says Black lives do matter.” Speaking rhetorically Dr. Bracy asks, “Can anyone give me a reason- able answer to the question of why so many people get upset when Black people raise the cry of Black Lives Matter, especially with scores of young Black men are literally gunned down before our eyes? In the hypocrisy of some church folk, who would not say a word or lift a finger...Guess what they do, they literally just passed by on the other side. Just this week, I saw something with my own eyes. I could not believe what I saw. I saw a situation where a group of church folk embraced and laid hands on a leader, a leader who has

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